released this
03 Dec 20:10
v2.13.1 (3 December 2016)
Bug Fixes
v2.13.0 (25 November 2016)
New Team Members
Thel Seraphim (Columbia University) -- Stan and Math libraries
Vincent Picaud (CEA, France) -- MathematicaStan
Bug Fixes
generated code for lower truncation fixed for discrete variables (#2054 )
typo in error messages for RNGs only allowed in transformed data
block (#2124 )
variables ending in _lpdf are now allowed (#2123 )
cov_exp_quad() not compiling in C++ (#2113 )
conditional operator in functions not compiling in C++ (#2101 )
off-by-one error in error message for integrate_ode_bdf() fixed (#2073 )
New User-Facing Features
vectorization of unary functions (#2119 , #2037 )
bernoulli_logit_rng() added to language (#2084 )
Jacobian warning now suggests target +=
(#2066 )
matrix_exp() function now available (#2043 )
compound declaration / definition statements (#1951 )
New Internal Features
user-defined functions can be declared and not defined (#2068 )
manual reorganization (#1599 )
line too long (#2121 )
added integer % operator documentation (#2065 )
lots more (#2051 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.