Build with Nodejs + TypeScript + Angular + React + MySQL and PostgreSQL
Support PRO · Frontend · API Suite
🎉 Spurtcommerce Community v5.0.0 is now available! Read more in the announcement post.
To get your Spurtcommerce Community up and running, simply follow these steps:
Install NodeJs version 18.14.2
npm i -g @spurtcommerce/cli
spurtcommerce -i app
npm start
npm stop (to stop the application)
You can access your marketplace panels at the following URLs:
- Your Seller Panel: http://localhost:3000
- Your Admin Panel: http://localhost:3000/admin
- API Running at: http://localhost:8000/api
For further SMTP configuration, go inside the api folder and edit the .env file.
You can find our extended documentation on our, but some quick links that might be helpful:
Read Technology to learn about our vision and what's in the box.
Our Discard Questions, Live Discussions Spurtcommerce Support.
An API Reference contains the details on Spurtcommerce foundational building blocks.
Some Video Video Tutorials
Every Release is documented on the Github Releases page.
🐞 If you spot a bug, please submit a detailed issue, and wait for assistance.
🤔 If you have a question or feature request, please start a new discussion.
🤔 This project is tested with BrowserStack
Spurtcommerce is developed and maintain by Piccosoft Software Labs India (P) Limited,.
Spurtcommerce is released under the BSD-3-Clause License..