System(d) container for use with Podman Machine, MicroShift, OpenShift Local, Podman Desktop installations, Bazzite, Silverblue, etc.
Start the system container. You can choose between the following options: Debian, Fedora or RHEL UBI9
$ podman run -d --name=cloudflared \
--hostname $HOSTNAME-cloudflared \
--network=host --systemd=always \
$ podman run -d --name=cloudflared \
--hostname $HOSTNAME-cloudflared \
--network=host --systemd=always \
$ podman run -d --name=cloudflared \
--hostname $HOSTNAME-cloudflared \
--network=host --systemd=always \
and register the tunnel
$ podman exec -it cloudflared cloudflared service install eyJhIjoiZWU5YTFlOTBlNDY3YmI1NmM2NDdiZWI2OTY3ZDM4YWEiLCJ0IjoiNzg0ZDA4NjAtZjExMy00ZjlhLTllYzctNTc4NTk3NzJkZmNjIiwicyI6Ill6azFObU5oWkdRdE9UTmlNaTAwTldWbExXSTNaV0V0T0RRNE9UazJOVGN6TlRNdyJ9
or use the Podman Desktop or Cockpit terminal to do so.
The lifecycle of the container can be maintained by the host using a systemd service unit:
$ (cd $HOME/.config/systemd/user && podman generate systemd --name --files cloudflared
$ systemctl --user enable --now container-cloudflared
$ loginctl enable-linger $USER