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Sponsored developers and organizations
25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
WebTorrent is the first torrent client that works in the browser. Browser-to-browser communication cuts out the middle-man and lets people communicate on their own terms. No more client/server – just a network of peers, all equal.
Support Yishuai's open source work
Computer graphics engineer, independent software & game developer, author of MSDFgen and Shadron.
Support laurci's open source work
Desarrollador y Formador en Tecnologías Web como JavaScript, React y Node.js.
Google Developer Expert (GDE) Web.
Comparto y divulgo contenido relacionado con el desarrollo web para hispanohablantes.
Executive level technologist and open-source-developer
Creator of @vladmandic/human library and @vladmandic/automatic AI/Diffusion application
I'm making ursina engine, an easy to use, but powerful Python powered 3d game engine.
Support BenMorel’s open source work
We are a small software outfit out of Gainesville FL. We provide solutions to our customers that we share with the world through open source.
Support free and open-source software projects and services! Focusing on technically interesting and ethically designed tools and web applications.
Support asvetliakov’s open source work
I am interested in developing mods and utilities for flight sim communities.
Software engineer, part-time Minecraft (mod|proxy) developer
Support McShelby's monkey coding
Support development of the open source, self-hosted caregiver support app Baby Buddy.
Help rwxrob save the world.
Increase my budget from 0 to >0 and allow me to explore new technologies and depend less on (ab-)using free tiers! 🤪
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