Organizaton:University of Bristol working with UNICEF
Client: Dr David Gordon
The Bristol Poverty Institue(University of Bristol) is working with UNICEF to develop a short question module to help improve the measurement of child and adult poverty in countries.
The aims of the project were to:
- automate the identification of consensual deprivation quesitons as defined by EUROSTAT
- run the identification on the 2009 questionnaires, on the EUROSTAT website
- populate a database with the results
- display the results on a website
- allow users to run the code on their own questionnaire
User | Story |
Researcher | As a researcher, I want access to the questions from foreign questionnaires, but translated into English |
Member of UNICEF | As a member of UNICEF, I want access to the questions from foreign questionnaires, but translated into English to be able to check which countries ask all the required questions |
University student | I want to be able to use the poverty questions asked to aid my studies |
Dr David Gordon | As a member of UNICEF and a researcher, I would like to automate the identification of conceptual translated questions in each language. |
Countries without 2009/2014: Croatia, Romania, Finland, Norway
Countries with 2009: Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Iceland, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Countries with 2014: Belgium, Ireland
To access the website to view the poverty questions, use the following link:
The user is able to choose a country, and see the matched questions for the 2009 questionnaires, as well as the 2014 questionnaires if it was not run in 2009.
We highly recommend running this program through Anaconda. You can download the distributions of Anaconda through the link below. Please ensure that Anaconda has a version of 1.7+
Internet connections is required to run the code, as the Deep-translator API requires a connection to connect to the different translators used throughout the code.
It is essential to have python 3.7+ and pip installed on your device. To run the source code, run the following to install the necessary libraries:
pip install --user -U nltk
pip install --user -U numpy
pip install pdfplumber
pip install deep-translator
pip install regex
pip install cdifflib
Throughout our code, we make use of nltk datasets. To install, open python3 on commandline and run the following:
>>>import nltk
Currently, we have only populated 2009 or 2014. To obtain the matched questions for a different questionnaire, follow the user guide below. the PDF-Extractor file as a zip file 2.add the pdf you would like to run the code on to the folder the following commands in terminal
cd PDF-Extractor
the following prompts will allow you to choose the pdf and the language you would like to run the code on:
The matched questions will output to the screen
The results from our backend matching functions are stored in the following NoSql database:
Our Approach:
- Extract text from the questionnaire, translate into English, and identify questions based on whether they end with a quesiton mark
- Narrow down the questions that contain the keywords that are included in the set list of poverty questions
- Use NLP and BLEU analysis to determinte the questions are poverty themed, and populate database
- Upload and make the database available on the web, as well as open sourced for furture developments in the NLP algorithm
Most reference contained in source code.
BLEU theory/information:
text pre-processing:
NLP keywords extraction:
NLP topic modelling:
MIT License