This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
The react online editors we've tried has good support for react/js files, but limited options for styling imports.
Therefore, is project is set up to help:
- Give the developers a working dev environment to create example code for a workshop
- Generate a css-file with all necessary styling from ffe
Because of this, and to make sure no styling code is forgotten, the styling-part of the project is a little different.
When first cloning this app npm install
in root folder.
In the project directory, you can run:
npm run dev
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:5173/ to view it in your browser.
Bygg og lag eksportpakke med
avhengig av plattform. -
Flytt filene over i et standard React (Vite + TS) template på codesandbox, man kan godt slette alle eksisterende filer i mappestrukturen.
Fjern eller kommenter ut
import "./App.less";
og slett App.less fra codesandbox, den er ikke i bruk. -
Åpne et terminalvindu (finnes under ... eller er allerede åpent) og kjør
npm install
ognpm run dev
og appen skal kjøre.