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Update golang Docker tag to v1.22.3 (#1075) #176

Update golang Docker tag to v1.22.3 (#1075)

Update golang Docker tag to v1.22.3 (#1075) #176

Workflow file for this run

name: Build and Release
- '*'
# There are two cases where this GitHub action will run:
# 1. We are releasing a new latest version for src-cli, as a major, minor, or patch
# update, for instance 4.0.2 -> 4.1.0, OR
# 2. We are releasing a new minor/patch version for an older major/minor version of
# src-cli, for instance if the latest version is 4.0.2 and we're releasing 3.43.3
# In both cases, we want to run both goreleaser and npm to publish new versions in all the
# places we care about. For goreleaser publishing to Homebrew, we need to publish to
# different formulas depending on if we're case 1. or case 2, and neither goreleaser nor
# Homebrew has a good way of handling this automatically. In the case of the former (a new
# latest release), we must:
# 1. Copy the main formula in our Homebrew tap for the previous latest release to a
# versioned formula
# 2. Build and publish the new release to the main formula
# 3. Update the Homebrew symlink alias for the latest version
# In the case of the latter (a patch release for an older version), we only need to:
# 1. Build and publish the new release to a versioned Homebrew formula
# This action contains 5 jobs to accommodate both cases:
# release_type [always] - checks tags, determines if we're case 1. or case 2.
# goreleaser_pre [if case 1.] - copies the main formula to a versioned formula
# goreleaser [always] - runs tests, builds + publishes with goreleaser
# goreleaser_post [if case 1.] - updates symlink to latest version
# npm [always] - publishes to npm
# release_type compares the current tag to the highest versioned tag available on the
# repo to determine if this release is for a new latest version or a patch of an older
# version.
name: Determine release type
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
is_latest_version: ${{ env.is_latest_version }}
latest_tag: ${{ env.latest_tag }}
second_latest_tag: ${{ env.second_latest_tag }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Set current tag, latest (highest version) tag, and second latest tag
# For latest and second latest tags, we can't use git tag --sort=version:refname
# because git doesn't have a concept of pre-release versions and thus mis-sorts
# versions like 4.0.0-rc.0 *after* 4.0.0.
run: |
echo "current_tag=${GITHUB_REF_NAME}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "latest_tag=$(git tag | tr - \~ | sort --version-sort | tr \~ - | tail -1)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "second_latest_tag=$(git tag | tr - \~ | sort --version-sort | tr \~ - | tail -2 | sed -n 1p)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Install semver
run: |
wget -O /usr/local/bin/semver
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/semver
- name: Compare tags
# If the current tag is also the latest (highest-versioned) tag, semver compare
# returns 0. If the current tag is older (i.e. it's a patch for an older version),
# semver compare will return -1. By definition, it should be impossible for the
# current tag to be newer than the latest tag unless somehow the current tag is
# not a real tag, but if for some reason this happens, it will be treated the same
# as if it were the latest.
run: |
if [ "$(semver compare ${{ env.current_tag }} ${{ env.latest_tag }})" -ge 0 ]
echo "is_latest_version=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "is_latest_version=0" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Log variables
run: |
echo "Version for this release: ${{ env.current_tag }}"
echo "Latest version: ${{ env.latest_tag }}"
if [[ ${{ env.is_latest_version }} == 1 ]]
echo "Releasing new latest version."
echo "Releasing patch of older version."
# goreleaser_pre copies the main formula in our Homebrew tap for the previous latest
# release (second latest tag) to a versioned formula, so that it is preserved when
# goreleaser runs and overwrites the main formula for the latest build.
name: Copy previous release
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: release_type
# Only run this step if we're releasing a new latest version. Creating a patch release
# does not touch the main formula.
if: needs.release_type.outputs.is_latest_version == 1
- name: Set variables
run: |
echo "latest_tag=${{ needs.release_type.outputs.latest_tag }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "second_latest_tag=${{ needs.release_type.outputs.second_latest_tag }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Set versioning variables
run: |
echo "versioned_formula_file=Formula/src-cli@${{ env.second_latest_tag }}.rb" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "versioned_classname=SrcCliAT$(echo ${{ env.second_latest_tag }} | sed 's/\.//g')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Log variables
run: |
echo "Second latest tag (previous latest release): ${{ env.second_latest_tag }}"
echo "Versioned formula file: ${{ env.versioned_formula_file }}"
echo "Versioned classname: ${{ env.versioned_classname }}"
- name: Checkout Homebrew tap
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: sourcegraph/homebrew-src-cli
fetch-depth: 0
token: ${{ secrets.BOT_CROSS_REPO_PAT }}
- name: Copy main release formula file to versioned formula file
run: cp Formula/src-cli.rb ${{ env.versioned_formula_file }}
# Homebrew expects the name of the class in a versioned formula file to be of the
# format {Formula}AT{Major}{Minor}{Patch}, but the main formula classname is just
# {Formula}, so we manually update the name: SrcCli -> SrcCliAT###
- name: Rename formula classname
run: sed -i 's/class SrcCli/class ${{ env.versioned_classname }}/' ${{ env.versioned_formula_file }}
- name: Commit result
run: |
git config sourcegraph-bot
git config [email protected]
git add .
git commit --allow-empty -m "Copy previous release"
git push
# goreleaser runs tests before building, then uses goreleaser to publish to Homebrew and
# Docker Hub.
name: Run goreleaser
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [release_type, goreleaser_pre]
# By default, this job will be skipped if either "needs" job is skipped. This tells
# GitHub actions to always run it, so long as the previous jobs that ran didn't fail.
if: |
always() &&
(needs.release_type.result == 'success') &&
(needs.goreleaser_pre.result == 'success' || needs.goreleaser_pre.result == 'skipped')
# Passthrough from previous jobs so that they're also available in goreleaser_post
second_latest_tag: ${{ needs.release_type.outputs.second_latest_tag }}
latest_tag: ${{ needs.release_type.outputs.latest_tag }}
is_latest_version: ${{ env.is_latest_version }}
- name: Set variables
run: echo "is_latest_version=${{ needs.release_type.outputs.is_latest_version }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Set config file
# These goreleaser config files are identical except for the template.
# Homebrew expects the main formula to be named one way, and versioned formulas to
# be named another, but goreleaser only allows us to specify a single template.
run: |
if [[ ${{ env.is_latest_version }} == 1 ]]
echo "config_file=.goreleaser.yml" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "config_file=.goreleaser-patch.yml" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Log config file
run: |
echo "Goreleaser config file: ${{ env.config_file }}"
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: 1.22
- run: go test ./...
- run: go test -race -v ./...
- run: echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login -u=$DOCKER_USERNAME --password-stdin
- name: Run GoReleaser
uses: goreleaser/goreleaser-action@v5
version: latest
# We use a different goreleaser config for releasing a new latest version vs.
# releasing a patch on an older version. For releasing the new latest version,
# we want to update the main (unversioned) Homebrew formula. For releasing a
# patch on an older version, we want to publish a new versioned formula and
# leave the main formula untouched.
args: release --clean --config=${{ env.config_file }}
# Use separate access token, because we need a scope:repo token to publish the brew formula.
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}
# goreleaser_post updates the symlink name to refer to the new release version. The
# symlink enables users to install the latest src-cli with the versioned command:
# $ brew install sourcegraph/src-cli/[email protected]
# alongside the command to install it via the main formula:
# $ brew install sourcegraph/src-cli/src-cli
name: Create new release version symlink
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: goreleaser
# Only run this step if we're releasing a new latest version. Creating a patch release
# does not require updating the symlink.
if: needs.goreleaser.outputs.is_latest_version == 1
- name: Set variables
run: |
echo "old_symlink_name=Aliases/src-cli@${{ needs.goreleaser.outputs.second_latest_tag }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "new_symlink_name=Aliases/src-cli@${{ needs.goreleaser.outputs.latest_tag }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Log variables
run: |
echo "Old symlink: ${{ env.old_symlink_name }}"
echo "New symlink: ${{ env.new_symlink_name }}"
- name: Checkout Homebrew tap
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: sourcegraph/homebrew-src-cli
fetch-depth: 0
token: ${{ secrets.BOT_CROSS_REPO_PAT }}
- name: Replace symlink
run: mv ${{ env.old_symlink_name }} ${{ env.new_symlink_name }}
- name: Commit result
run: |
git config sourcegraph-bot
git config [email protected]
git add .
git commit -m "Update latest release symlink"
git push
# npm publishes the new version to the npm package registry
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: goreleaser
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 16
registry-url: ''
- run: echo "VERSION=${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\//}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- run: echo "Releasing version ${{ env.version }}"
- run: yarn version --no-git-tag-version --new-version "${{ env.VERSION }}"
working-directory: npm-distribution
- run: npm publish --access public
working-directory: npm-distribution