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Gene copy number variation (CNV) in generalist herbivore of Tetranychus urticae (the two-spotted spider mite)

Table of Contents

Programs used / Dependencies

  • python 3+ (modules: pysam, pandas, numpy, Biopython, mpi4py)
  • R v4.1
  • Liftoff v1.6+

[NOTE] To enable parallel processing, python model mpi4py need to be installed.

Gene CNV estimation

This pipeline was developed for estimating CNV that focus on gene coding regions.
Input data:

  1. Reference genome in fasta format
  2. GTF annotation file for the reference genome (sorted and indexed)
  3. Illumina DNA-seq alignment in BAM format (sorted and indexed)

All the scripts under "gCNV" folder:
Step 1: count coverage on gene coding region (default stepsize 1 bp)

mpiexec -n 10 python [ref] [gtf] [bam] -step 5 -O [out]
# -n: core number 
# ref: reference genome in fasta file <br>
# gtf: gtf file for the reference genome <br>
# bam: bam of DNA-read aligned to reference genome <br>
# -step: stepsize assigned as 5 bp
# out: output folder

Step 2: estimate single-copy coverage depth for the BAM file

Rscript single_depth.R [out]/pos_depth.txt [cov_est] -O [out]
# cov_est: the start estimation value for BAM file coverage  <br>

Step 3: estimate gene CNV based on gene coding region coverage depth

mpiexec -n 10 python [out]/pos_depth.txt [out]/single_cov.txt -O [out]
# -n: core number 

pos_depth.txt: raw data for coverage at gene coding positions
single_cov.txt: single copy coverage value
histogram.pdf: coverage distribution using a histogram
gene_cnv.txt: gene CNV report file

To run all three steps together:

mpiexec -n 10 python [ref] [gtf] [bam] -step 5 -O [out] && Rscript single_depth.R [out]/pos_depth.txt [cov_est] -O [out] && mpiexec -n 10 python [out]/pos_depth.txt [out]/single_cov.txt -O [out]

Sequencing coverage for genomic regions of interest

To count coverage at a specific regions of interest:
Input data:

  1. Reference genome in fasta format
  2. Illumina DNA-seq alignment in BAM format (sorted and indexed)

Run the script "":
python [ref] [bam] -chr [chr] -range [start] [end] -step [size] -O [out]
# ref: reference genome in fasta file <br>
# bam: bam of DNA-read aligned to reference genome <br>
# chr: chromosome of interest <br>
# start: start position for coverage counting <br>
# end: end position for coverage counting <br>
# size: step size (default 100 bp) <br>
# out: output file (prefix) <br>

Genome scaffolding

Scaffold contigs to pseudo-chromosome level assembly using reference-based approach. Input data:

  1. contigs from assemblers in fasta format
  2. reference genome in fasta format
  3. GTF annotation file for the reference genome (sorted and indexed)

All the scripts under "scaffold" folder:
Step 1: generate GTF file for the contigs by aligning gene sequences from reference genome to the contigs using [Liftoff](
liftoff [target] [ref] -g [gff] -o [out] -p 24
# target: contigs fasta file
# ref: reference fasta file
# -g: gff annotation for the reference genome
# -o: output name 
# -p:threads 

Step 2: parse GTF file from last step, and order and orientate contigs based on genes aligned from reference genome

python [target_gff] [ref_gff] -vis vis_gff.R -O [out]
# target_gff: gff output from last step, as for the target contigs
# ref_gff: gff for the reference genome
# to visualize the contig to reference alignment, assign vis_gff.R
# -O: output file name (prefix)

Step 3: Scaffold contigs based on the parsed gff file


To caculate the N50 for contigs and scaffolds, run:

python [fasta]
# fasta file for which N50 value calculated on 

Amino acid at target-site

python [bam] [fof] -btype <DNA/RNA> -out [out]
# bam: bam file used for recovering <br>
# fof: formated target site position <br>
# btype: either be "DNA" or "RNA" <br>
# out: output file name <br>

For example about how to format "fof" the target-site position file, see folder "data"


copy number variation of T. urticae







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