This repository contains code for the ESCAPE counter scheme.
The scripts are intended to compute basic statistics for the ESCAPE counter scheme on CAIDA traces; they reproduce the figures shown in the CoNEXT 2016 submission "Exact Scalable Per-flow Packet Counting".
Before running the scripts, obtain CAIDA traces from (registration needed).
For each CAIDA trace trace.pcap.gz
, run the following preprocessing:
gunzip trace.pcap.gz
tcpdump -qn -r trace.pcap > trace.txt
python3 conext2016_scripts/ trace.txt
script finds the last timestamp for each flow in the trace and dumps them to the file trace.lasttimes.txt
; subsequent scripts will use these timestamps as the time when a flow closes (since there are no explicit flow-ending commands in the scripts).
The directory conext2016_scripts contains Python scripts that recreate the graphs from the CoNEXT 2016 submission "Exact Scalable Per-flow Packet Counting". Each script expects a trace.txt
file and a trace.lasttimes.txt
file generated as above. All scripts output files in the form of figurename.trace.csv
that contain X- and Y-axis values ready to input into pgfplots. The figures are grouped into a single script if they need the same processing (e.g., go over the trace once or re-run for all polling ratios).
python3 conext2016_scripts/ trace.txt
to produce Figs. 5a, 5b, 5c, and 6a for a given trace.
python3 conext2016_scripts/ trace.txt
to produce Figs. 6a and 6b for a given trace.
python3 conext2016_scripts/ trace.txt
to produce Fig. 7a for a given trace.
python3 conext2016_scripts/ trace.txt
to produce Fig. 7b for a given trace. Note that this will take longest to generate among all figures since it re-runs trace processing with different polling rates.
python3 conext2016_scripts/ trace.txt
to produce Fig. 7c for a given trace. Note that this will take longer than the other figures (except 7b).