The Nuclear Energy Modeling System is a modular, extensible resource designed to be used in typical application development systems as well as in distributed web-services environments. The focus of the project is on providing a framework for robust, automated mesh generation, mesh quality analysis, adaptive mesh refinement and data transfer between arbitrary meshes. Python bindings to the Nemosys library can also be enabled.
To acquire NEMosys, you can download it from Illinois Rocstar's GitHub or clone it with the following command:
$ [email protected]:snatesh/NEMoSys_fork.git
You will need to apt install
at least the following dependencies:
- build-essential
- cmake
- libproj-dev
- libmetis-dev
- libfltk1.3-dev
- liblapack-dev
- libgmp-dev
- libjpeg-dev
- libsm-dev
- libice-dev
- gfortran
- libxt-dev
- zlib1g-dev
- tcl-dev
- tk-dev
- libxmu-dev
- python-dev
- swig (if you want python bindings)
- an MPI compiler
Once these dependencies are installed, the easiest way to build the required third party
libraries is with the script
. Assume $NEMOSYS_PROJECT_PATH is the path to Nemosys,
and $NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH is the desired installation location. Make sure to use absolute paths
and execute the following:
$ NEMOSYS_PROJECT_PATH=/full/path/to/Nemosys
$ NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH=/full/path/to/install
Now, we can compile the Nemosys library, create its python bindings and other utilities:
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ export CC=mpicc
$ export CXX=mpicxx
$ make -j6 (or however many threads you'd like to use)
$ make install (sudo if install location requires it)
$ export PYTHONPATH=$NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH/Nemosys/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
Executing the commands above will build all libraries, executables and bindings. The libraries are
installed in $NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH/Nemosys/lib
. Executables are installed in
. If python bindings are enabled, the pyNemosys
module files are
installed in $NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH/Nemosys/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages
The pyNemosys
module can be imported in python as import pyNemosys
. The build configuration
can modified through the CMake curses interface (ccmake) or by passing the command line options to cmake.
From the build directory, execute the following command to test the installation:
$ make test
This will execute several tests found in $NEMOSYS_PROJECT_PATH/testing
If execution of
fails, or you have already installed some of the dependecies,
you can try building the remaining tpls independently
Extract the whole archive as such:
$ tar zxf contrib/nemosys_tpls.tar.gz
$ cd nemosys_tpls
Unpack Gmsh from the neomsys_tpls
$ tar zxf gmsh-2.15.0-source.tgz
$ cd gmsh-2.15.0-source
Build Gmsh by running the following commands:
$ mkdir lib
$ cd lib
$ make lib shared install/fast -j8
$ cp ./Mesh/meshPartitionObjects.h $NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH/gmsh/include/gmsh/
Unpack madlib from the neomsys_tpls
$ tar zxf madlib-1.3.0.tar.gz
$ cd madlib-1.3.0/
Build madlib:
$ ./configure --prefix=$NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH/madlib --enable-moveIt
--enable-benchmarks --enable-ann
--enable-gmsh --with-gmsh-prefix=$NEMOSYS_INSTAL_PATH/gmsh
$ make -j8
$ make install
Afterwards, a number of header files from the madlib source directory will
need to be manually copied into $NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH/madlib/include/MAdLib
- Mesh/MeshDataBase.h
- Mesh/MeshDataBaseInterface.h
- Mesh/MeshDataBaseIterators.h
- Mesh/MeshDataBaseAttachable.h
- Mesh/MeshDataBaseMiniMesh.h
- Mesh/MshTags.h
- Mesh/MeshDataBaseIO.h
- Mesh/CheckOrientation.h
- Common/MAdMessage.h
- Common/MAdSingleton.h
- Geo/GmshEntities.h
- Geo/Physical.h
- Adapt/utils/NodalDataManager.h
Unpack HDF5 from the nemosys_tpls
$ tar zxf hdf5-1.8.21.tar.gz
$ cd hdf5-1.8.21
Build hdf5:
$ ./configure --prefix=$NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH/hdf5
$ make -j8
$ make install
Unpack CGNS from the neomsys_tpls
$ tar zxf cgnslib_3.2.1.tar.gz
$ cd cgnslib_3.2.1
Build cgns:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make -j8
$ make install
Unpack Netgen from the nemosys_tpls
$ tar xzf netgen-meshter-git.tar.gz
$ cd netgen-mesher-git
Build Netgen:
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ make -j8
$ make install
Unpack VTK from the nemosys_tpls
$ tar xzf VTK-8.1.1.tar.gz
cd VTK-8.1.1
Build vtk:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ export CC=mpicc
$ export CXX=mpicxx
$ make -j8
$ make install
See the building Nemosys section to proceed from this point and complete the build.
This project is licensed under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License- see LICENSE for more details.