Important - Feel free to open an Issue if you have a suggestion or need clarrification.
Contents |
Menu |
Tab |
Convar |
Netvar |
Classes |
Entity |
Player |
Material |
Event |
Callback |
Memory |
Trace |
Render |
Extra |
Local |
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Cheat Tabs |
Child | string | Child of a Tab |
Label Text | string | Labels Text |
Help Text | string | Labels Help Text |
Menu.CreateLabel("Configs", "Scripting", "Label", "This is a label")
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Cheat Tabs |
Child | string | Child of a Tab |
Label | string | Switch's Label |
Help Text | string | Switch's Help Text |
Bindable | bool | Bindable Switch |
Menu.CreateSwitch("Configs", "Scripting", "Switch", "This is a Switch", true)
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Cheat Tabs |
Child | string | Child of a Tab |
Label | string | Combo Label |
Elements | string array | Combo elements |
Help Text | string | Combo Help Text |
Menu.CreateCombo("Configs", "Scripting", "Combobox", ["Element 1", "Element 2"], "This is a combobox")
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Cheat Tabs |
Child | string | Child of a Tab |
Switch Text | string | MultiCombo Label |
Elements | string array | MultiCombo elements |
Help Text | string | MultiCombo Help Text |
Menu.CreateMultiCombo("Configs", "Scripting", "MultiCombobox", ["Element 1", "Element 2"], "This is a multicombobox")
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Cheat Tabs |
Child | string | Child of a Tab |
Label | string | Slider Label |
Range | int array | Min and Max |
Help Text | string | Slider Help Text |
Menu.CreateSlider("Configs", "Scripting", "Slider", [0, 100], "This is a slider from 0 to 100")
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Cheat Tabs |
Child | string | Child of a Tab |
Label | string | Bind Label |
Help Text | string | Slider Help Text |
Menu.CreateBind("Configs", "Scripting", "Keybind", "This is a keybind")
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Cheat Tabs |
Child | string | Child of a Tab |
Label | string | Listbox Label |
Elements | string array | Listbox element |
Help Text | string | Listbox Help Text |
Menu.CreateList("Configs", "Scripting", "Listbox", ["Element 1", "Element 2", "Element 3"], "This is a keybind")
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Cheat Tabs |
Child | string | Child of a Tab |
Label | string | Button Label |
Output | function | function ran on click |
function KeyPress()
Menu.CreateButton("Configs", "Scripting", "Listbox", KeyPress)
Name | Type | Description |
Size | int array | Width and Height |
Name | Type | Description |
Size | int array | Width and Height |
size = Menu.GetSize()
Name | Type | Description |
Location | int array | X and Y |
Name | Type | Description |
Location | int array | X and Y |
location = Menu.GetLocation()
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Cheat Tabs |
Child | string | Child of a Tab |
Name | string | label of element |
Name | Type | Description |
Value | any | Value of the element |
Menu.CreateSwitch("Configs", "Scripting", "Switch", "This is a Switch", true)
location = Menu.GetValue("Configs", "Scripting", "Switch")
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Cheat Tabs |
Child | string | Child of a Tab |
Name | string | label of element |
Value | any | label of element |
Menu.CreateSwitch("Configs", "Scripting", "Switch", "This is a Switch", true)
Menu.SetValue("Configs", "Scripting", "Switch", true)
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Cheat Tabs |
Child | string | Child of a Tab |
Name | string | label of element |
Visible | bool | visibility |
Menu.CreateSwitch("Configs", "Scripting", "Switch", "This is a Switch", true)
Menu.SetVisibility("Configs", "Scripting", "Switch", 0)
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Cheat Tabs |
Child | string | Child of a Tab |
Name | string | label of bind |
Name | Type | Description |
Bind | array | Bind info |
Name | Type | Description |
Active | bool | is bind active |
Type | int | bind type |
Menu.CreateBind("Configs", "Scripting", "Keybind", "This is a keybind")
bindinfo = Menu.GetBind("Configs", "Scripting", "Keybind")
Event.Log("bind is " + bindinfo[0] + " bind type is " + bindinfo[1])
Name | Type | Description |
Element | function | Element to Update |
Menu.CreateSwitch("Configs", "Scripting", "Switch", "This is a Switch", true)
Menu.Update(Menu.CreateSwitch("Configs", "Scripting", "Switch", "This switch has new Info", true))
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Tab Name |
Tab.Create("New Rage")
Name | Type | Description |
Tab | string | Tab Name |
Tab.Create("New Rage")
Tab.CreateChild("Rage Child")
Name | Type | Description |
Name | string | Convar Name |
Name | Type | Description |
Value | any | Convar's Value |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | string | Convar Name |
Value | any | Convar Value |
Convar.Get("r_aspectratio", 1.33)
Name | Type | Description |
Table | string | Table |
Name | string | Name |
Name | Type | Description |
Value | any | offset value |
Netvar.GetOffset("DT_BaseEntity", "m_vecMins")
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Table | string | Prop Table |
Name | string | Prop Name |
Value | any | New Value |
local = Local.GetPlayer()
Netvar.SetProp(local, "CBasePlayer", "m_flPoseParameter", [0,0,1])
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Table | string | Prop Table |
Name | string | Prop Name |
Name | Type | Description |
Value | any | Property Value |
local = Local.GetPlayer()
pos = Netvar.GetProp(local, "CBasePlayer", "m_flPoseParameter")
Name | Type | Description |
index | int | variable Index |
Name | Type | Description |
realtime | float | absolute time |
fps | int | returns frames per second |
tickcount | int | returns tickcount |
tick interval | int | intervals per tick |
fps = Classes.GlobalVariables(2)
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
Weapon | weapon | Active Weapon |
local = Local.GetPlayer()
activeweapon = Weapon.GetActiveWeapon(local)
Name | Type | Description |
weapon | weapon | weapon |
Name | Type | Description |
grenade | bool | is grenade |
local = Local.GetPlayer()
activeweapon = Weapon.GetActiveWeapon(local)
isgrenade = Weapon.IsGrenade(activeweapon)
Name | Type | Description |
weapon | weapon | weapon |
Name | Type | Description |
Knife | bool | is knife |
local = Local.GetPlayer()
activeweapon = Weapon.GetActiveWeapon(local)
isknife = Weapon.IsKnife(activeweapon)
Name | Type | Description |
weapon | weapon | weapon |
Name | Type | Description |
spread | int | weapon spread |
local = Local.GetPlayer()
activeweapon = Weapon.GetActiveWeapon(local)
spread = Weapon.GetSpread(activeweapon)
Name | Type | Description |
weapon | weapon | weapon |
Name | Type | Description |
innacuracy | int | weapon innacuracy |
local = Local.GetPlayer()
activeweapon = Weapon.GetActiveWeapon(local)
innacuracy = Weapon.GetInnacuracy(activeweapon)
Name | Type | Description |
weapon | weapon | weapon |
alt | bool | alt speed |
Name | Type | Description |
speed | int | velocity |
local = Local.GetPlayer()
activeweapon = Weapon.GetActiveWeapon(local)
speed = Weapon.GetWeaponSpeed(activeweapon, false)
scopedspeed = Weapon.GetWeaponSpeed(activeweapon, true)
Name | Type | Description |
weapon | weapon | weapon |
Name | Type | Description |
id | int | class ID |
local = Local.GetPlayer()
activeweapon = Weapon.GetActiveWeapon(local)
classid = Weapon.GetClassID(activeweapon)
Name | Type | Description |
weapon | weapon | weapon |
Name | Type | Description |
weaponID | int | weapon's ID |
local = Local.GetPlayer()
activeweapon = Weapon.GetActiveWeapon(local)
id = Weapon.GetWeaponID(activeweapon)
if(id == 7)
Event.Log("your weapon is a AK47")
Name | Type | Description |
player | entity | player |
Name | Type | Description |
ammo | int | ammount of bullets |
local = Local.GetPlayer()
ammo = Weapon.GetAmmo(local)
Name | Type | Description |
weapon | weapon | weapon |
Name | Type | Description |
max ammo | int | max ammount of ammo |
local = Local.GetPlayer()
activeweapon = Weapon.GetActiveWeapon(local)
max ammo = Weapon.GetMaxAmmo(activeweapon)
Name | Type | Description |
List | entity array | Entity list |
List = Entity.GetList()
Name | Type | Description |
List | entity array | Enemies |
Enemies = Entity.GetEnemies()
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
dormancy | bool | is dormant |
dormancy = Entity.IsDormant(Entity.GetList()[4])
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
bot | bool | is bot |
bot = Entity.IsBot(Local.GetPlayer())
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | name |
name = Entity.GetName(Local.GetPlayer())
Name | Type | Description |
class id | int | class id |
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
class id | int | id |
cid = Entity.GetClassID(Local.GetPlayer())
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
alive | bool | is alive |
alive = Entity.IsAlive(Local.GetPlayer())
Name | Type | Description |
id | int | userid |
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
bot = Entity.GetFromUserID(userid)
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
steam id | string | steam id |
steam = Entity.GetSteamID(Local.GetPlayer())
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
location | vec3d | Origin |
origin = Entity.GetOrigin(Local.GetPlayer())
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
box | Vec2D | RenderBox |
bb = Entity.GetBoundingBox(Local.GetPlayer())
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
material | material | material |
l = Local.GetPlayer()
Entity.OverrideMaterial(i, material)
Name | Type | Description |
steamid | int | player steam id |
Name | Type | Description |
picture | picture | picture |
profile = Player.GetPicture(Entity.GetSteamID(Local.GetPlayer()))
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
maxtrix | int array | maxtrix |
maxtrix = Player.GetMatrix(Local.GetPlayer())
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
anim | int | anim |
maxtrix = Player.GetAnim(Local.GetPlayer())
Name | Type | Description |
entity | entity | entity |
Name | Type | Description |
DrawInfo_t | int array | drawinfo |
maxtrix = Player.GetDrawInfo(Local.GetPlayer())
Name | Type | Description |
modelname | modelname | modelname |
drawinfo | int array | drawinfo |
matrix | int array | matrix |
animation | animation | animation |
material | material | material |
leave material blank if none
Player.RenderModel("Special Agent Ava", drawinfo_t, hitchamsmatrx, playeranim, glowchams)
reloads materials
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | materialname |
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | materialname |
Name | Type | Description |
index | int | material index |
Name | Type | Description |
Index | int | material index |
keyname | string | key name |
keyvalue | string | keyvalue |
does not refresh the material
Material.Update(Material.Get("Glow"), "$baseTexture", "vgui/white")
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | new name |
Local.SetName(" P")
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | clantag name |
clantag | string | clantag on scoreboard |
Local.SetClantag("Best Cheat Infinite", "")
Name | Type | Description |
player | entity | local player |
Name | Type | Description |
latency | int | ping |
Name | Type | Description |
viewangles | int array | ping |
Name | Type | Description |
viewangles | int array | ping |
Name | Type | Description |
input | string | string to log |
Name | Type | Description |
callback | string | callback name |
callbackee | function | function to callback |
function OnCreateMove()
Callback.Add("CreateMove", OnCreateMove)
function memory()
Animstate = Player.GetAnim(Local.GetPlayer())
Velocity = Memory.Read(Animstate + 0x114)
Callback.Add("Memory", memory)
Name | Type | Description |
location | int | pointer |
Name | Type | Description |
memory | any | value in memory |
function memory()
Animstate = Player.GetAnim(Local.GetPlayer())
Velocity = Memory.Read(Animstate + 0x114)
Callback.Add("Memory", memory)
Name | Type | Description |
location | int | pointer |
value | any | new value |
function memory()
Animstate = Player.GetAnim(Local.GetPlayer())
Memory.Write(Animstate + 0x114, 100)
Callback.Add("Memory", memory)
Name | Type | Description |
handle | int | handle |
signature | string | signature |
Name | Type | Description |
pointer | int | pointer |
function memory()
Memory.GetSignature(handle, signature)
Callback.Add("Memory", memory)
Name | Type | Description |
dll name | string | handle name |
Name | Type | Description |
handle | int | handle |
function memory()
Callback.Add("Memory", memory)
Name | Type | Description |
start | vector | line start |
end | vector | line end |
skipped entity | entity | skip entity |
mask | int | mask |
type | int | line type |
Name | Type | Description |
TraceInfo_t | int array | result |
Name | Type | Description |
entity index | entity | entity |
fraction | int | fraction result |
Name | Value | Description |
Hit | 0.1 | Hit Something |
Hit | 0.5 | Hit half way |
Clear | 1 | No Hit |
Name | Value | Description |
TRACE_EVERYTHING | 0 | trace all |
TRACE_WORLD | 1 | world only |
TRACE_ENTITY | 2 | entities only |
info = Trace.Line(Start, End, 0, 0x1, 1);
Name | Type | Description |
location | vec2 | location |
radius | int | radius |
color | vec3 | color |
thickness | int | thickness |
Render.Circle([100,100], 30, [255,255,255,255], 4)
Name | Type | Description |
location | vec2 | location |
radius | int | radius |
color | vec3 | color |
Render.Circle([100,100], 30, [255,255,255,255])
Name | Type | Description |
location | vec2 | location |
text | string | text |
color | vec3 | color |
font | font | font |
font = Render.CreateFont("CoolFont.ttf")
Name | Type | Description |
location | vec2 | location |
text | string | text |
color | vec3 | color |
font | font | font |
Name | Type | Description |
font | handle | font |
font = Render.CreateFont("CoolFont.ttf")
Name | Type | Description |
location | vec2 | location |
wh | vec2 | width and height |
color | vec3 | color |
thickness | int | thickness |
Render.Circle([100,100], [50,50], [255,255,255,255], 4)
Name | Type | Description |
location | vec2 | location |
wh | vec2 | width and height |
color | vec3 | color |
Render.Circle([100,100], [50,50], [255,255,255,255])
Name | Type | Description |
Shape | function | Shape of texture |
texture | text | texture |
pfp = Player.GetPicture(Entity.GetSteamID(Local.GetPlayer()))
Render.Texture(Render.RectangleFilled([100,100],[100,100],[255,255,255,255]), pfp)
Name | Type | Description |
directory | string | location |
Supports PNG and JPEG only
picture = Render.CreateTexture("C:\Textures\picture.png")
Name | Type | Description |
vector | vec3 | location |
Name | Type | Description |
vector | vec2 | location |
world = Entity.GetOrigin(Local.GetPlayer())
screen = Render.WorldToScreen(world)
Name | Type | Description |
shift | int | doubletap shift |
Clamped to processticks - 2
Name | Type | Description |
shift | int | doubletap tolerance |
Clamped to 2
Name | Type | Description |
enable | bool | doubletap teleport |
Name | Type | Description |
shift | int | processed ticks |
Name | Type | Description |
desync | int array | real fake and lowerbody |
Antiaim.OverrideDesync([-20,0,120]) //-20 real, 0 fakem 120 lowerbody
Name | Type | Description |
yaw | int | yaw |
Name | Type | Description |
inverted | bool | is inverted |
Name | Type | Description |
overriden | bool | is overriden |
Name | Type | Description |
curplayer | entity | player |
goalfeetyaw | int | new goalfeetyaw |
e = Players.GetList()
Resolver.SetGoalFeetYaw(e[3], -40)
Name | Type | Description |
curplayer | entity | player |
Resolver.SetGoalFeetYaw(e[3], Resolver.SetGoalFeetYaw(e[3]))
Name | Type | Description |
curplayer | entity | player |
Name | Type | Description |
curplayer | entity | player |
Name | Type | Description |
curplayer | entity | player |
hitbox | vector | hitboxes |
Ragebot.ForceHitbox(player, [0])