This package does slam/odometry evaluation according to metrics in
- Relative pose error at time step i:
$E_i = (Q_iQ_{i+\triangle})^{-1}(P_iP_{i+\triangle})$
$Q_i$ - ground truth pose in SE(3) at time step$i$ , a.k.a. homogeneous transformation matrix -
$Q_{i+\triangle}$ - ground truth pose in SE(3) at time step$i+\triangle$ -
$P_i$ - estimated pose in SE(3) at time step$i$ , a.k.a. homogeneous transformation matrix -
$P_{i+\triangle}$ - estimated pose in SE(3) at time step$i+\triangle$
- Relative pose error of the whole trajectory:
$RMSE(E_{1:n},\triangle) = (\frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m ||trans(E_i)||^2)^\frac{1}{2}$
$trans(E_i)$ - translational part of matrix$E_i$ , indexes$[0,3],[1,3],[2,3]$
- Average relative pose error over possible time intervals
$\triangle$ $RMSE(E_{1:n}) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{\triangle=1}^n RMSE(E_{1:n},\triangle)$
$\triangle$ - step size, in this implementation the biggest step size is half of the trajectory size$n$
This is a ros package, so you should have ros installed, the only additional requirement is Eigen3
- Build package
catkin build slam_evaluation
- Run executable
rosrun slam_evaluation slam_evaluation
The package subscribes on 2 topics: both of them should be of type nav_msgs::Odometry
. Their initial names are: /unitree_odom
and /loam_odom
After all the calculations resulting rmse is published into topic rmse