Emotion Detection Music Player system by Team SKYN for CSIT 515 02 SP24
The application can be downloaded here: Download
The project documentation can be found here: Project Documentation
- This project references and incorporates code from: Satya Mallick, LearnOpenCV, github.com/spmallick/learnopencv/tree/master/Facial-Emotion-Recognition
- This project uses the FER+ Training Model and Dataset from: github.com/Microsoft/FERPlus, @inproceedings{BarsoumICMI2016, title={Training Deep Networks for Facial Expression Recognition with Crowd-Sourced Label Distribution}, author={Barsoum, Emad and Zhang, Cha and Canton Ferrer, Cristian and Zhang, Zhengyou}, booktitle={ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI)}, year={2016}}
- The default music files used in this project are sourced from pixabay