- NEW WEBSITE https://pokebedrock.com/
- Added new Command -redeem <code: string> Requires a code from the PokeBedrock Store.
- Changed Mute system, violations are removed, and there is now a chat cooldown of 5 seconds.
- Removed Data values from crates, shop, and kits.
- Added New Crate rewards, Pokémon, PokeDollars, ClaimBlocks, and HousePoints.
- Fixed Shiny bug when Pokémon Caught in wild.
- Removed pokeb:aluminum_plate and has been replaced with pokeb:aluminum_ingot
- Added Cooldown system to -wild command
- Added Despawn From Distance to all Pokémon.
- Added ability to reset crate by hitting for operators
- Redid -slots setStats now shows PokeBuilder edit stats menu
- Redid the entire beforeChat event, with new Mute Systems
- Changed how starter screen is shown and now will not timeout when player joins.
- Removed Feature for Pokémon to have the in_battle tag.
- Fixed Icons on Server NPCS
- Removed Amounts from Shop NPCS (This is just for custom amounts)
- Fixed bug where trainers could be used to duplicate battles and glitch into spectator mode.
- Stopped the ability of pistons being able to move containers.