This is the source for s9fes with patches to make it build on 9front plus some extras.
last upstream sync 20181205
- now calling it 'Martian Edition' so people understand it's a tainted version of the real s9fes
- added several sys: help files for plan9
- added sys:userpasswd for accessing factotum (plan9 only)
- added a simple json module to the library
- added a (defer) function to allow atexit() hooks
- added a curl extension (for unix)
- worked quite a bit on 9p interaction [wip]
- I've probably left development messages in the code, in case you see something weird
- Everything I've added is suspect.
- The plan9 "sys:" stuff isn't fully documented (yet).
- The "Reimagined" version has introduced some build warnings in plan9.