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Python implementation of the Raft Distributed Consensus Algorithm with ASGI + Starlette + FastAPI


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This project is an implementation of the Raft Consensus Algorithm, originally described in this paper. Raft creates a consensus about the state of a replicated state machine using so-called replicated logs. This means, a new state is accepted as the state of a cluster of state machines, once a critical mass of particpating state machines have appended the new state to their logs.

Raft is known for its implementation and usage in etcd and k8s, but also for the hashicorp implementation in Go and the nebulaDB project.

For a cool animated guide to Raft see this page, and this video is a talk by one of Raft's creators.

Weaknesses / Caveats of this implementation

  • I have not found an easy way to scale the replicas up, after the cluster has already started.
  • In contrast to real implementations of Raft, this one does not save the entries of the replicated log. When a new log entry is committed, the old one is lost.
  • This implementation assumes that all nodes that have a DNS entry, and all DNS entries correspond to services. Services outside of that namespace can not be considered.
  • Sometimes a leader will lose its leader status, because pinging every node with a heartbeat was too slow (request timeout), and that node increased its term, effectively resetting the leader. Usually the leader will regain its status in the next term.
    • This instability becomes more severe, when upscaling the service.


The software used is based on ASGI + Starlette + FastAPI + Pydantic.

In this Code Base, the numpydoc v1.5.dev0 standard for Python docstrings is applied. Formatting was applied with black. The code was linted using pylint, mypy and bandit. Tests were not linted.


This projects code is licensed under the MIT License which has a high compatibility to other open-source licenses. For details see LICENSE file.


A human-readable service documentation is contained in the services' Swagger Documentation. It is reachable under https://<service_uri>/docs


A detailed list of dependencies can be found in Pipfile. Dependencies are managed using pipenv.

  • dnspython: Tools for use with Docker DNS
  • FastAPI: Web framework
  • Jinja2: Templating
  • Pydantic: JSON validation
  • Pytest: Testing
  • requests: HTTP library
  • Starlette: ASGI framework
  • uvicorn: ASGI web server


To run this project please install docker and docker-compose.

Install dependencies and development dependencies:

python -m pip install pipenv
pipenv install --dev

You can then run the test suite against the service.

pipenv run -v test


Tests using pytest are in the test/ directory. The easiest way to run them is using gitlab-runner with:

$ gitlab-runner exec docker test_job

If you cannot run gitlab-runner, you can run them locally with pipenv run test -v. Please always try to use gitlab-runner first. For details on the test script see Pipfile.

The tests cover only raft-related functionality like setting and resetting terms, state changes and requests and responses.


The project is designed to be run with Docker, bzw. docker-compose. The reason for this is that the discovery mechanism works with DNS. All nodes share a service domain name, e.g. node. By DNS lookup for node the service receives the IP addresses of all individual replicas of the service.

Another small FastAPI webservice is contained in the directory monitor/. Its purpose is to collect status data from all replicas of the main app and display it on a webpage.

Payload configuration

A payload to be executed when the service is leader and/or follower is can be configured by copying a shell script into the service container. By default, the two scripts and are used. These scripts will be executed, whenever a Node changes into leader / follower role. To use a different script, adjust the app.Dockerfile and set the appropriate configuration variables (See configuration variables table).


The repo contains two Dockerfiles. app.Dockerfile is the Docker configuration for the service. monitor.Dockerfile is the Dockerfile for the monitor/ service.

In the docker-compose.yaml the two services are set up:

  • The Raft App itself is configured under the section node. To find the other replicas, the envvar APP_NAME is set to the service name node. For more information on configuration variables see below.
  • By default the Raft App is configured to run as 3 replicas. To change that number, change it in the deploy.replicas section.
  • The Monitor App is configured to open port 8000 and serve the information page on document root.
  • The Monitor App gets passed the service name of the Raft App via the MAIN_APP_NAME envvar and its own port and bind address via ADDRESS. These config options can be reviewed in monitor/

To run the example, cd into the project directory and run the docker compose definition with:

docker-compose up --build

When all services are started up, visit http://localhost:8000/ in a browser to view the status page. The monitor webpage may lag behind and show a leader node still as candidate.

Service replicas can be paused using the docker pause <container> command. To resume a paused replica, use docker unpause <container>. For a list of running replicas, use the docker ps command.

To disable logging, set the envvar LOGGING to "ERROR" and restart. See app/ or below.


Available Configuration Variables (as Environment Variables) are listed below. Note that default values may be subject to change.

Environment Variable Description Default Value
FASTAPI_TITLE The name of the application. Consensus Cluster Service
FASTAPI_MAINT The maintainer name. Sebastian Kowalak
FASTAPI_EMAIL Maintainer e-mail address. <redacted>
FASTAPI_DESCR A description for display in OpenAPI/SwaggerDoc. <redacted for brevity>
FASTAPI_SCHEM The path where the OpenAPI schema is available. /openapi.json
FASTAPI_DOCS The path where SwaggerDoc is available. /docs
API_PREFIX Path prefixed before all API-routes /api
ROOT_PATH Path where uvicorn will serve the app.
APP_NAME Name of the application (will be used in error messages e.g.) consensus-cluster-service
LOGGING Logging level DEBUG
ELECTION_TIMEOUT_LOWER_MILLIS Lower bound for election timeout in milliseconds 3000
ELECTION_TIMEOUT_UPPER_MILLIS Upper bound for election timeout in milliseconds 5000
HEARTBEAT_REPEAT_MILLIS How fast a Leader will send heartbeats to all nodes 500
SCRIPT_LEADER_PATH Location of script to be run when leader unset
SCRIPT_FOLLOWER_PATH Location of script to be run when follower unset

The Monitor can be configured with these variables:

Environment Variable Description Default Value
RAFT_SERVICE_NAME Name of the main Service implementing raft unset
BIND_HOST Address under which the monitor is available unset
TEMPLATES_DIR directory in which jinja2 templates are unset
REFRESH_RATE_MILLIS how often to refresh service status unset
HOSTNAME set by docker, container name unset