Red Hat Container Registry Authentication (Using config.json)
How do I use an imagestreamsecret with (Using credentials rather than json works just fine)
$ oc create secret generic imagestreamsecret --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=/home/stkousso/.docker/config.json
Installing RHSSO 7.3 Templates & Images
$ oc login -u system:admin $ cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev $ ./Infrastructure/scripts73/
No special prep required if access to external Red Hat Maven repositories is possible and
The NEXUS image '' is possible to download
PREFERRED - Consider this GIT Repo for the setup of the tooling
$ cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev $ unzip ./resources/ $ oc get is -n openshift |grep rhpam $ oc create -f ./resources/rhpam76-image-streams.yaml -n openshift $ oc create -f ./resources/extension-image-streams.yaml -n openshift $ oc get is -n openshift |grep rhpam
rhpam-businesscentral-monitoring-rhel8 image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/dev-pam-operator/rhpam-businesscentral-monitoring-rhel8 7.6.0 4 hours ago rhpam-businesscentral-rhel8 image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/dev-pam-operator/rhpam-businesscentral-rhel8 7.6.0 4 hours ago rhpam-controller-rhel8 image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/dev-pam-operator/rhpam-controller-rhel8 7.6.0 4 hours ago rhpam-kieserver-rhel8 image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/dev-pam-operator/rhpam-kieserver-rhel8 7.6.0 4 hours ago rhpam-process-migration-rhel8 image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/dev-pam-operator/rhpam-process-migration-rhel8 7.6.0 rhpam-smartrouter-rhel8
Check existing images (as cluster admin). we need rhpam76
$ oc get images |grep rhpam
Business Central: A platform for authoring business assets such as data objects, rules, processes, cases, and planning entities.
$ oc import-image rhpam-businesscentral-rhel8 --all --confirm -n openshift
KIE Server REST services runtime environment for business assets such as business processes, rules, cases, and planning entities.
$ oc import-image rhpam-kieserver-rhel8 --all --confirm -n openshift
KIE (Standalone) Controller: A component for managing multiple KIE Servers (Process, Decision, Planning) in manage mode.
$ oc import-image rhpam-controller-rhel --all --confirm -n openshift
Smart Router: Load balancing, unified view on available business assets, and aggregation of responses throughout multiple KIE Servers (Process, Decision, Planning).
$ oc import-image rhpam-smartrouter-rhel8 --all --confirm -n openshift
Business Central Monitoring: A platform for monitoring and management of business assets.
$ oc import-image rhpam-businesscentral-monitoring-rhel8 --all --confirm -n openshift
PREFERRED - Consider this GIT Repo for the setup of the tooling
oc new-project <YOUR-TOOLS-NAEMSPACE>tools
create nexus + rh proxy repos
$ cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev $ oc login -u <CLUSTER PUBLIC IP> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> $ oc project tools $ ./Infrastructure/scripts76/ <YOUR-TOOLS-NAEMSPACE>tools <CLUSTER PUBLIC URL>
SSO Setp
$ oc login -u <CLUSTER PUBLIC IP> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> $ oc project tools $ ./Infrastructure/scripts76/ tools FALSE
Business Central Installation/Configuration:
$ cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev $ oc login -u <CLUSTER PUBLIC IP> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> $ oc project pam-dev $ oc create -f Infrastructure/templates76/rhpam76-authoring-custom.yaml $ ./Infrastructure/scripts76/ <YOUR-DEV-NAMESPACE>pam-dev <YOUR-TOOLS-NAMESPACE>tools <APP_NAME>gps <CLUSTER PUBLIC URL> <NEXUS_ROUTE_NAME>nexus3 eg. ./Infrastructure/scripts76/ dev-pam-operator cicd-rhpam gps nexus
KIE Server Check: "curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 --insecure https://secure-gps-kieserver-<YOUR-DEV-NAMESPACE>.apps.<CLUSTER-NAME>/services/rest/server" RHPAM Central Login: rhpamAdmin/rhpamAdmin760
Create Project
Step 1: Create processes, rules etc.
Step 2: since no CI-CD we will distribute KJARs directly from 'Business Central' into NEXUS to achieve this
Add in the pom.xml of any new KJAR project created in Business central (see '' output log) the following for distribution to NEXUS (Note: <id>nexus</id> MUST match the'<servers><server><id>nexus</id>' in *Infrastructure/templates/settings.xml
<distributionManagement> <repository> <id>nexus</id> <url>http://<NEXUS-ROUTE-URL>/repository/maven-releases</url> </repository> <snapshotRepository> <id>nexus</id> <url>http://<NEXUS-ROUTE-URL>/repository/maven-snapshots</url> </snapshotRepository> </distributionManagement>
'Deploy' from 'Business Central' into the KieServer and confirm that KieContainer is started by looking for the appropriate container-alias
$ curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X GET "" --insecure -H "accept: application/xml"
[RESPONSE] ---------------------------------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <response type="SUCCESS" msg="List of created containers"> <kie-containers> <kie-container container-alias="retail-proc-1" container-id="retail-proc-1_1.0.0" status="STARTED"> <config-items> <itemName>KBase</itemName> <itemValue></itemValue> <itemType>BPM</itemType> </config-items> <config-items> <itemName>KSession</itemName> <itemValue></itemValue> <itemType>BPM</itemType> </config-items> <config-items> <itemName>MergeMode</itemName> <itemValue>MERGE_COLLECTIONS</itemValue> <itemType>BPM</itemType> </config-items> <config-items> <itemName>RuntimeStrategy</itemName> <itemValue>SINGLETON</itemValue> <itemType>BPM</itemType> </config-items> <messages> <content>Container retail-proc-1_1.0.0 successfully created with module com.cgdretailprocesses:retail-proc-1:1.0.0.</content> <severity>INFO</severity> <timestamp>2019-02-15T16:17:43.934Z</timestamp> </messages> <release-id> <artifact-id>retail-proc-1</artifact-id> <group-id>com.cgdretailprocesses</group-id> <version>1.0.0</version> </release-id> <resolved-release-id> <artifact-id>retail-proc-1</artifact-id> <group-id>com.cgdretailprocesses</group-id> <version>1.0.0</version> </resolved-release-id> <scanner status="DISPOSED"/> </kie-container> </kie-containers> </response>
Check NEXUS where now the KJAR(s) would have been uploaded to and where the DEV KieServer has been configued to download them from Definitions*
Go to Business Central *Menu -→ Execution Servers" & Click on the Remote Servers (only one available) too see the KieContainers created from the deployed KJARs
'Find' the process in the deployed KJAR (ie. the runnalable RHPAM projet) by using from the previous result the alias or id of the KieContainer (container-alias="retail-proc-1" container-id="retail-proc-1_1.0.0")
$ curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X GET "" --insecure -H "accept: application/xml"
[RESPONSE] ---------------------------------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <process-definitions> <processes> <process-id>com.cgdretailprocesses.retail_proc_1.printname</process-id> <process-name>printname</process-name> <process-version>1.0</process-version> <package>com.cgdretailprocesses.retail_proc_1</package> <container-id>retail-proc-1_1.0.0</container-id> <dynamic>false</dynamic> </processes> </process-definitions>
'Execute' against the KieContainer by starting a new process
Using the alias
$ curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 --insecure -X POST "" -H "accept: application/xml" -H "content-type: application/xml" -d "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><map-type> <entries> <entry> <key>age</key> <value xsi:type=\"xs:int\" xmlns:xs=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">25</value> </entry> <entry> <key>person</key> <value xsi:type=\"person\" xmlns:xsi=\"\"> <name>john</name> </value> </entry> </entries></map-type>"
[RESPONSE] ---------------------------------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <long-type> <value>1</value> </long-type>
Using the container-id
$ curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 --insecure -X POST "" -H "accept: application/xml" -H "content-type: application/xml" -d "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><map-type> <entries> <entry> <key>age</key> <value xsi:type=\"xs:int\" xmlns:xs=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">25</value> </entry> <entry> <key>person</key> <value xsi:type=\"person\" xmlns:xsi=\"\"> <name>john</name> </value> </entry> </entries></map-type>"
[RESPONSE] ---------------------------------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <long-type> <value>2</value> </long-type>
To see the current deployed process definitions Menu -→ Process Definitions
To see the current deployed process definitions Menu -→ Process Instances
$ cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev $ oc login -u <CLUSTER PUBLIC IP> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> $ oc project pam-prod $ oc create -f Infrastructure/templates76/rhpam76-prod-managed-2-kieservers-monitor-smartrouter-custom.yaml $ ./Infrastructure/scripts76/ <YOUR-NAMESPACE>pam-prod <YOUR-TOOLS-NAMESPACE>tools APP_NAME <ENV [QA,SIT,UAT,PRE-PROD,PROD]>
Business Central Monitor: https://secure-${APP_NAME} (rhpamAdmin/rhpamAdmin730, used to deploy KJAR projects, manage KJAR and template configurations, monitor)
Smart Router: http://${APP_NAME} (Service used as smart proxy of processes on any connected KIESERVER cluster group)
KIE Server Cluster Group-1: https://${APP_NAME}
${APP_NAME}-postgresql-1: Database dedicated for KIE Server Cluster Group-1 (Runs a KJAR(s) related to a division and has dedicated Database)
KIE Server Cluster Group-2: https://secure-${APP_NAME}
${APP_NAME}-postgresql-1: Database dedicated for KIE Server Cluster Group-2 (Runs a separate from Cluster Group-1 KJAR(s) related to a secondary division and has dedicated Database)
Step 1: Login to Business Central Monitor (above) and inspect the deployments on the different Server Configuration (Templates). There should be 3 (see below)
Step 2: There are no Deployment Units (ie. KJARs with processes/rules to deploy) as they exist remotely on the nexus server. With the cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1 selected press Add Deployment Unit and add (as per screenshots) the KJAR (based on your project’s Group Artifact Version -GAV- details-) the KJAR you wish deployed in the GROUP Of KIESERVERs that will use RHPAM template configuration cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1
Use the "Start" button to initialize the RHPAM Process project (KieContainer) inside the KIESERVERs (should get a gree
Side note: The JARs are downloaded locally at '/opt/eap/standalone/data/kie/maven-repository/' in the container
Step 3: Retrieve ALL Active KieContainers (ie. projects to execute processes against) using the Smart Router rather than individual KIESERVER cluster groups
$ curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X GET "" -H "accept: application/xml"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response msg="List of created containers" type="SUCCESS"> <kie-containers> <kie-container container-alias="" container-id="morgages" status="STARTED"> <config-items> <itemName>KBase</itemName> <itemValue/> <itemType>BPM</itemType> </config-items> <config-items> <itemName>KSession</itemName> <itemValue/> <itemType>BPM</itemType> </config-items> <config-items> <itemName>MergeMode</itemName> <itemValue>MERGE_COLLECTIONS</itemValue> <itemType>BPM</itemType> </config-items> <config-items> <itemName>RuntimeStrategy</itemName> <itemValue>PER_PROCESS_INSTANCE</itemValue> <itemType>BPM</itemType> </config-items> <messages> <content>Container morgages successfully created with module com.cgdretailprocesses:mortgage-rules-1:1.0.0.</content> <severity>INFO</severity> <timestamp>2019-02-16T10:27:27.116Z</timestamp> </messages> <release-id> <artifact-id>mortgage-rules-1</artifact-id> <group-id>com.cgdretailprocesses</group-id> <version>1.0.0</version> </release-id> <resolved-release-id> <artifact-id>mortgage-rules-1</artifact-id> <group-id>com.cgdretailprocesses</group-id> <version>1.0.0</version> </resolved-release-id> <scanner status="DISPOSED"/> </kie-container> </kie-containers>
Retrieve Available processes in KieContainer
$ curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X GET "" -H "accept: application/xml"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <process-definitions> <processes> <process-id>com.cgdretailprocesses.loanapproval</process-id> <process-name>loanapproval</process-name> <process-version>1.0</process-version> <package>com.cgdretailprocesses</package> <container-id>morgages</container-id> <dynamic>false</dynamic> </processes> </process-definitions>
Check the Smart Router configuration manually
$ oc rsh cgd-retail-smartrouter-1-7f2cw $ cat /opt/rhpam-smartrouter/data/kie-server-router.json { "containerInfo": [{ "alias": "mortgage-rules-1", "containerId": "morgages", "releaseId": "com.cgdretailprocesses:mortgage-rules-1:1.0.0" }], "containers": [ {"mortgage-rules-1": [""]}, {"morgages": [""]} ], "servers": [{"cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1": [""]}] }
Step 4: Execute process com.cgdretailprocesses.loanapproval on KieContainer morgages and KIESERVERs cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1 via the Smart Router configuration manually
$ curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X POST "" -H "accept: application/xml" -H "content-type: application/xml" -d "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><map-type> <entries> <entry> <key>age</key> <value xsi:type=\"xs:int\" xmlns:xs=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">25</value> </entry> <entry> <key>person</key> <value xsi:type=\"person\" xmlns:xsi=\"\"> <name>john</name> </value> </entry> </entries></map-type>"
[RESPONSE] ---------------------------------- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <long-type> <value>1</value> </long-type>
Check the logs of the pod running the 'morgages' KieContainer -------------------------------------------------------------- $ oc logs -f cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1-1-wqsp 10:27:27,105 INFO [] (default task-1) Container morgages (for release id com.cgdretailprocesses:mortgage-rules-1:1.0.0) successfully started 10:27:27,164 INFO [org.kie.server.router.client.KieServerRouterEventListener] (default task-1) Added '' as server location for container id 'morgages' 11:06:25,368 INFO [stdout] (default task-1) LOAN APPROVED
You have logged on to your project in the OpenShift environment using the oc command as a user with the cluster-admin role.
For Oracle use the DB driver which can be found in this repository
For IBM DB2 or Sybase you have downloaded the JDBC driver from the database server vendor. More in documentation here
Install the source code for the custom build,
$ cd ./ocp_pam_app_dev $ oc login -u <CLUSTER PUBLIC IP> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> $ oc project pam-prod $ unzip ./resources/ $ cd ./resources/templates/contrib/jdbc $ ll total 12 -rwxrwxr-x. 1 ec2-user ec2-user 3012 Jan 18 09:37 drwxrwxr-x. 3 ec2-user ec2-user 65 Jan 18 09:37 db2-driver-image drwxrwxr-x. 3 ec2-user ec2-user 65 Feb 15 13:20 derby-driver-image -rwxrwxr-x. 1 ec2-user ec2-user 459 Jan 18 09:37 drwxrwxr-x. 3 ec2-user ec2-user 65 Jan 18 09:37 mariadb-driver-image drwxrwxr-x. 3 ec2-user ec2-user 65 Feb 15 13:20 mssql-driver-image drwxrwxr-x. 3 ec2-user ec2-user 65 Feb 15 13:20 oracle-driver-image -rw-rw-r--. 1 ec2-user ec2-user 1933 Jan 18 09:37 drwxrwxr-x. 3 ec2-user ec2-user 65 Jan 18 09:37 sybase-driver-image
Change to subdirectory: mariadb-driver-image
Run the build #../ [] [--artifact-repo=] [--image-tag=1.1 ]
$ cd ./resources/templates/contrib/jdbc/mariadb-driver-image/ ../ --registry=docker-registry.default.svc:5000 ... --> Creating resources with label build=rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift ... "rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift" created "rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift" created --> Success
Note to self: If user has no cluster-admin binding giving bindings is required, eg:
$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin developer --rolebinding-name=admin
Check for the newly built RHPAM2 image/ImageStream rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift which contains mariadb database driver
$ oc get is -n openshift |grep rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift
$ oc describe is rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift -n openshift Name: rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift Namespace: openshift Created: 4 minutes ago Labels: build=rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift Annotations: Docker Pull Spec: docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift Image Lookup: local=false Unique Images: 1 Tags: 1 1.1 no spec tag * docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift@sha256:6d330a9aa901c47e9937ed16732d46ceb000ae20a73afdb8b952d6249d5abdaf About a minute ago
Change to subdirectory: oracle-driver-image
#../ [] [--artifact-repo=] [--image-tag=1.1 ]
$ cd ./resources/templates/contrib/jdbc/oracle-driver-image/ ../ --artifact-repo="" --registry=docker-registry.default.svc:5000 ... --> Creating resources with label build=rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift ... "rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift" created "rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift" created --> Success
Check for the newly built RHPAM2 image/ImageStream rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift which contains oracle database driver
$ oc get is rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift -n openshift NAME DOCKER REPO TAGS UPDATED rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift 1.1 47 seconds ago
$ oc describe is rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift -n openshift Name: rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift Namespace: openshift Created: About a minute ago Labels: build=rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift Annotations: Docker Pull Spec: docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift Image Lookup: local=false Unique Images: 1 Tags: 1 1.1 no spec tag * docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift@sha256:e0720bec08445941b2944914f967433c2e093d54bad353c74de1082f289ba954 About a minute ago
Pre-Requisite-1: The images have been built and are available, as follows:
$ oc get is -n openshift |grep rhpam73-kieserver rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift 1.1 29 hours ago rhpam73-kieserver-openshift docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam73-kieserver-openshift 1.1,1.1-2,latest + 3 more... 3 days ago rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift 1.1 28 hours ago
Pre-Requisite-2: A Database with the following settings is in place
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE RHPAMOCP; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'rhpamocp'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'rhpamocp'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON RHPAMOCP.* TO 'rhpamocp'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Initiate Installations
oc new-project pam-prod-mariadb oc create -f Infrastructure/templates76/rhpam76-prod-EXTERNAL-mariadb-stelios-1.yaml ./Infrastructure/scripts76/ pam-prod-mariadb tools <APP_NAME> <MARIADB_HOST_NAME> <MARIADB_DB_NAME> <MARIADB_DB_USER> <MARIADB_DB_PWD> <ENV [QA,SIT,UAT,PRE-PROD,PROD]>
Pre-Requisite-1: The images have been built and are available, as follows:
$ oc get is -n openshift |grep rhpam73-kieserver rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam73-kieserver-mariadb-openshift 1.1 29 hours ago rhpam73-kieserver-openshift docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam73-kieserver-openshift 1.1,1.1-2,latest + 3 more... 3 days ago rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift docker-registry.default.svc:5000/openshift/rhpam73-kieserver-oracle-openshift 1.1 28 hours ago
Pre-Requisite-2: A Database with the following settings to have been created
$ oc new-project pam-prod-oracle $ oc create -f Infrastructure/templates76/rhpam76-prod-EXTERNAL-oracle-stelios-1.yaml ./Infrastructure/scripts73/ pam-prod-oracle tools <APP_NAME> <ORACLE_HOST_NAME> <ORACLE_DB_NAME> <ORACLE_DB_USER> <ORACLE_DB_PWD> <ENV [QA,SIT,UAT,PRE-PROD,PROD]>
Create an Horizontal Autoscaler for the cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1 deployment to scale between one and five replicas and set it to scale up when the CPU utilization reaches 1%.
$ oc autoscale dc/cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1 --min 1 --max 5 --cpu-percent=1
It takes several minutes for the HPA to collect enough metrics to present a current status.
In a separate window, create work for the pod and monitor the environment:
ROUTE=curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X POST "" -H "accept: application/xml" -H "content-type: application/xml" -d "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><map-type> <entries> <entry> <key>age</key> <value xsi:type=\"xs:int\" xmlns:xs=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">25</value> </entry> <entry> <key>person</key> <value xsi:type=\"person\" xmlns:xsi=\"\"> <name>john</name> </value> </entry> </entries></map-type>"
for time in {1..15000} do echo time $time curl ${ROUTE} done
Create an Horizontal Autoscaler for the cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1 deployment to scale between one and five replicas and set it to scale up when the CPU utilization reaches 1%.
$ oc autoscale dc/cgd-retail-kieserver-cluster-group-1 --min 1 --max 5 --cpu-percent=1
ROUTE=curl -u executionUser:executionUser123 -X POST "" -H "accept: application/xml" -H "content-type: application/xml" -d "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><map-type> <entries> <entry> <key>age</key> <value xsi:type=\"xs:int\" xmlns:xs=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">25</value> </entry> <entry> <key>person</key> <value xsi:type=\"person\" xmlns:xsi=\"\"> <name>john</name> </value> </entry> </entries></map-type>"
for time in {1..15000} do echo time $time curl ${ROUTE} done