This repository contains scripts for the analysis of both real and simulated single-cell RNA-seq data for our paper:
Cuomo*, Alvari*, Azodi* et al, Optimizing expression quantitative trait locus mapping workflows for single-cell studies, Genome Biology (2021).
The following folders contain scripts to reproduce the figures and analyses presented in the paper. In particular:
Plotting Notebooks contains notebooks to reproduce our figures (both main and supplementary).
Simulation Scripts contains scripts to estimate parameters from real data and then set up simulations). For an introduction to splatPop for simulating population scale single-cell RNA-seq data, see the vignette. More detail about splatPop cen be found in our paper!
- splatter v1.17.1
- VariantAnnotation v1.36.0
- tidyverse v1.3.1
- SingleCellExperiment v1.12.0
- fitdistrplus v1.1-3
- scater v1.18.6
- data.table v1.14.0