Welcome to FoodTopia, A Restaurant Aggregator and Food Delivery Website crafted using Python, Django, HTML, CSS, MySQL.
The Website Currently:
- Creates a personalised account for each user through email complete with Sign Up, Sign In and Forgot Password.
- Provides customers with a platform to browse through several restaurant menus, food items and their corresponding offers.
- Gives personalized restaurant suggestions based on the customers’ city.
- Maintains a database with restaurant table from where each customer can access the e-menu, complete with price and a picture of the food.
- Dynamically creates tiles with restaurant names and their respective images.
- Maintains a list of all past orders for each customer to return to in case they wish to repeat a previous order.
Run the following commands at the terminal
- git clone this repository into the desired folder
- Navigate to the folder FoodTopia and open git terminal
- Navigate into VETesting which is the directory containing the manage.py file
- Run the following command
python manage.py runserver
Open a web browser and type http://127.0.1:8000/ or http://localhost:8000/