initial stage of python. These programs are created for practice purpose only. Different problems solved in each program
- Half Pyramid
- Full Pyramid
- Csv to Json conversion
- Json to csv conversion
- Modify timestamp of file or executing unix command in python
- Remove duplicates from file(with sorting)
- Searching of file+recursively in folders
- Udemy excercise on python
- Udemy excercise on numpy
- Udemy excercise on panda
- Flask Example
- Flask+restful with customize port
- BeatifulSoup on instagram
- Udemy excercise on Linear Regression
- Udemy excercise on KNN
- Multi Threading Example1
- Multi Threading Example2
- Multi Threading Example3
- Async in python
- Selenium in python
- Decorator
- Scrapping Linkedin
- Creation of Excel file with Custom headers
- plot_groups in pyplot and scatter. Generate random colors at run time. Also add text to points in plot
- creating wordcloud on text
- Plotly graphs with netowrkx
- Get SVN files for commit messages