This is the embedded Tomcat template for Heroku® designed for Simplicité® instances.
Java JDK and Maven required to run locally.
A Heroku account and Heroku toolbelt required to deploy to Heroku please refer to Heroku dev center for details
Clone our embedded Tomcat template (if you are reading this file chances are this is already done ;-)
Get the Simplicité® instance template from our GIT repository (see website for details on how to get access to this repository).
Copy your root webapp in the webapps/ROOT
folder (or leave the default test webapp as is):
cp -r <template path>/app webapps/ROOT
Build the package using Maven with:
mvn package
Then run the package with:
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar target/tomcat-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
NB: a similar run command is in the Procfile
Add the heroku
remote to the cloned Git repository by creating a new application:
heroku create [<your Heroku app name>]
or, if the application already exists:
heroku git:remote -a <your Heroku app name>
Add and commit your changes locally in the Git repository:
git add <...>
git commit <...>
Then deploy to Heroku by:
git push [--force] heroku master
or if you want to configure heroku
as the default pustream for pushes:
git push --set-upstream heroku master
in this case subsequent pushes will only require:
git push
Note: to avoid accidentally pushing your changes to the origin
remote, we recommend that you remove it by:
git remote remove origin
or, if you still want to be able to pull from the origin
remote, just inhibitate pushing to it by:
git remote set-url --push origin no_push
To upgrade a deployed instance you should resynchronize the root webapp, for instance by:
rsync -auv <template path>/app/ webapps/ROOT
And then add, commit and push like described above (as of Simplicité® version 4.0, the auto upgrade option -Dplatform.autoupgrade=true
will apply platform patches at startup).