This is a Python SDK to interact with the Thinkific LMS API. The official documentation for the API can be found here.
pip install thinkific
- Import the library
from thinkific import Thinkific
- Create an object with the Auth token and subdomain name
thinkific = Thinkific("<auth_token>","<subdomain>")
The following endpoints are currently supported:
- Bundles
- Chapters
- Contents
- Coupons
- Course reviews (course_reviews)
- Courses
- Enrollments
- Orders
- Products
- Promotions
- Users
Each endpoint can be initialized in the following way:
users= thinkific.users
The methods can be accessed as below
thinkific = Thinkific("<auth_token>","<subdomain>")
The python methods corresponding to each API contents will be listed below:
Content | Function |
Retrieve A Bundle | retrieve_bundle() |
Retrieve the Courses Within A Bundle | retrieve_courses_in_bundle() |
Create an Enrollment in a Bundle of Courses | create_enrollment_in_bundle() |
Get Enrollments in a Bundle | get_enrollments_in_bundle() |
Update Enrollments in a Bundle | update_enrollments_in_bundle() |
Content | Function |
Retrieve A Chapter | retrieve_chapter() |
Retrieve the Contents of a Chapter | retrieve_contents_of_chapter() |
Content | Function |
Retrieve A Content | retrieve_content() |
Content | Function |
Retrieve a list of Coupons | list() |
Retrieve a Coupon | retrieve_coupon() |
Create a Coupon | create_coupon() |
Bulk Create Coupons | bulk_create_coupons() |
Update a Coupon | update_coupon() |
Delete a Coupon | delete_coupon() |
Content | Function |
Retrieve a list of Reviews for a Course | list() |
Create a Course Review | create_course_review() |
Retrieve a Course Review | retrieve_course_review() |
Content | Function |
Retrieve a list of Courses | list() |
Retrieve a Course | retrieve_course() |
Retrieve the Chapters of a Course | retrieve_chapters() |
Content | Function |
Retrieve a list of Enrollments | list() |
Retrieve an Enrollment | retrieve_enrollment() |
Create an Enrollment | create_enrollment() |
Update an Enrollment | update_enrollment() |
Content | Function |
Retrieve a list of Orders | list() |
Retrieve an Order | retrieve_order() |
Content | Function |
Retrieve a list of Products | list() |
Retrieve a Product | retrieve_product() |
Retrieve a list of Products related to another Product | retrieve_product_related() |
Content | Function |
Retrieve a list of Promotions | list() |
Retrieve a Promotion | retrieve_promotion() |
Create a Promotion | create_promotion() |
Update a Promotion | update_promotion() |
Delete a Promotion | delete_promotion() |
Find a Promotion by Coupon Code and Product | find_promotion_with_coupon_and_product() |
Content | Function |
Retrieve a list of Users | list() |
Retrieve a User | retrieve_user() |
Create a User | create_user() |
Update a User | update_user() |
Delete a User | delete_user() |
For more details, please look at the Thinkific API Docs.
- Add the remaining API endpoints