kas-container: make AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE errors more precise #504
on: push
Matrix: Build, test and deploy container images
Matrix: cleanup_ghcr_containers
3 errors
Build, test and deploy container images (kas)
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-clean && echo 'Binary::apt::APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages \"true\";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/keep-packages.conf && if echo \"${DEBIAN_TAG}\" | grep -q \"[0-9]\"; then sed -i -e '/^URIs:/d' -e 's|^# http://snapshot\\.|URIs: http://snapshot.|' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.sources; echo 'Acquire::Check-Valid-Until \"false\";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/use-snapshot.conf; echo 'Acquire::Retries \"10\";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/use-snapshot.conf; echo 'Acquire::Retries::Delay::Maximum \"600\";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/use-snapshot.conf; fi && apt-get update && apt-get install -y locales && localedef -i en_US -c -f UTF-8 -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias en_US.UTF-8 && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel python3-yaml python3-distro python3-jsonschema python3-newt python3-colorlog python3-kconfiglib python3-websockets gosu lsb-release file vim less procps tree tar bzip2 zstd pigz lz4 unzip tmux libncurses-dev git-lfs mercurial iproute2 ssh-client telnet curl rsync gnupg awscli sudo socat bash-completion python3-shtab python3-git && rm -rf /var/log/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* /var/cache/ldconfig/aux-cache && rm -f /etc/gitconfig && git config --system filter.lfs.clean 'git-lfs clean -- %f' && git config --system filter.lfs.smudge 'git-lfs smudge -- %f' && git config --system filter.lfs.process 'git-lfs filter-process' && git config --system filter.lfs.required true" did not complete successfully: exit code: 100
Build, test and deploy container images (kas-isar)
The job was canceled because "kas" failed.
Build, test and deploy container images (kas-isar)
The operation was canceled.