- Just read the tutorials part
- CNN using tensorflow
- Tutorial containg tf examples and CNN's,LSTM continue from there on
- Blog on viusal QA
- Another BLog on Visual QA
- For conceptual understanding see Deep learning course on coursera by andrewNG
I would recommend to follow these links along with going through the IE ML SMP Slack Channel.
Slack invite Link for IE ML SMP
- Basic ML
- python programming net-This is a really good website containing Explanations and implementains of ML basics.Follow all the steps.
- Andrew NG Coursera
- A-Z ML by udemy
- See sessions from 3-12 in slack channel
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- See python programming net for CNN part - containing code in Tensorflow
- Deep learning Course by AndrewNG(cover only the CNN part for now)
- see session 13 in slack
- cs231n course link to CNN
- Word Emmbeddings
- Tensorflow
- See python programing net links from above.
Emphasise more on implementation side of things.The basic ML part try to understand the theory properly.