The libraries you are using here are developed by Alberto Cuoci and his team (CRECK Modeling group). For more information have a look at the official website
- OpenFOAM v8
- OpenFOAM v7
- OpenFOAM 4.x
- OpenFOAM 2.3.x
- OpenFOAM 2.2.x
- OpenFOAM 2.1.x
Tobias worked with that flamelet-tool over 8 month during his Master thesis in 2012 and analysed the whole thermo model and the flamelet extraction libraries. For that Tobias made some validations and compared the results with ANSYS-CFX and measurements. There are some "bugs" in the original version which are removed in this version. Furthermore, you can use the SIMPLEC algorithm for solving steady-state combustions and the PIMPLE algorithm for transient calculations.
The library only contains a steady-state solver. If you create the transient one, feel free to make a push request.
A discussion can be followed here:
In the documentation folder you will find a compilation instruction which should be valid for this version too. However, you should first try the following steps given below. If you do have any problems, feel free to mail to [email protected]. The »master« branch represents the actual supported versions (here OpenFOAM v8).
cd ../
git clone CRECKFlameletModel
cd CRECKFlameletModel
Now, depending on your OpenFOAM version, you have to replace »master« with the branch that fits to you.
git checkout master
cd thermophysicalModels/flameletExtraction/common
wmake libso
cd ../flamelets/turbulent/
wmake libso
cd ../../../basic/
wmake libso
cd ../../applications/solvers/combustion/flameletSimpleFoam
cd ../../../../
cp -r tutorials $FOAM_RUN/flameletTutorials
- Have a look into the documentation folder
- the rebuilt of the flamelet model for OpenFOAM v7 and v8 was not validated. Only the necessary class changes were performed in order to use the library for newer versions. Nevertheless, one should first countercheck the SANDIA flame tutorial with the measurment data to ensure correctness.
- Not tested. No warranty of results and accuraty.
- the modified version of 7.x can be found inside this repository
- the modified version of 4.x can be found inside this repository
- the modified version of 2.3.x can be found inside this repository
- the modified version of 2.2.x can be found inside this repository
- the modified version of 2.1.x can be found inside this repository
- the origin version of 2.1.x can be found here:
- the origin version of 1.7.x can be found here: