32 bit binary linux releases will no longer be provided
! important change
+ new feature or minor change
- bugfix
+ added european spanish translation thanks to https://github.com/IlDucci
+ improved sha1 verification of downloaded PKGs
- remove github formatting characters from changelog
+ various build improvements including:
+validate & minify json files for slightly smaller releases
-disabled UPX for non windows platforms since that sometimes leads to corrupted binaries
+name release archives for python version they were built on e.g. "PS3GameUpdateDownloader-v011-CPython3.11.1final-win64.zip"
+(Linux Only)name release archives for the c libary & version they were built on e.g. "PS3GameUpdateDownloader-v011-CPython3.11.1final-glibc2.31-linux64.zip"
+ save git commit id at buildtime and show it in the main window
! proper handling of sonys weak certificate
+ faster search for new titledb versions
! add GPL3 license to this project
- fix update searching for games with no ps3_system_ver set like BCUS98132