a crappy overview on how to make discord webpack scripts (not betterdiscord scripts but rather actual reverse engineering stuff)
go to %appdata%\discord\settings.json
and add
to the end of the object, it allows the developer console to be opened with ctrl+shift+i
Alright so: Discord runs mainly on Electron, React and webpack
almost every single discord feature is accessible from the
array, which contains every single webpack functions and stuff that discord relies on
"but hey dude how in the world am i supposed to actually abuse it its jsut a gigantic bunch of [[1231313],{123123213:fafasfasdfsf},()=>{}]"
when pushing this array into the webpackChunk, the (req)=>{}
function will instantly execute
the req
thing is a function that you can pass a number to it, and it returns an object whose contents may vary a lot
doing req.c
returns an object with every single function-holding object loaded (which is where all the functions are)
it looks something like:
exports: {
//there may be other object with a random 1-3 letter name such as Z, Plq, ZP or whatever
//thats where the functions actually are
//note: passing the id to the `req` function returns the `exports` object
//personally, since discord updates a lot i dont rely on using this number because it can update
//i just search though the object instead
loaded: true
so, for example:
for(const thing of req.c){
return thing.exports.Z
commands: {...},
events: {...},
getCurrentUser: f(), //this one is interesting
getJoi: f(),
onConnect: f(e),
onDisconnect: f(e,t),
sockets: Set(0) {size: 0},
subscriptions: []
and getCurrentUser returns all the information for your currently logged in user (except for token)
// and for the token:
for(const thing of req.c){
return thing.exports.Z.getToken()
//returns the token :)
There are many snippets out there, i will include some tomorrow, but for now, if you want to further analyze the webpack script source code easily (the discord app one is minified), use Discord-Datamining
let amongus;
Object.values(amongus.c).find(x=>x.exports?.Z?.sendBotMessage).exports.Z.sendBotMessage(window.location.pathname.slice(10).split('/')[1],'mongus balls')
let amongus;
const perms = Object.values(amongus.c).find(x=>x.exports?.Plq).exports.Plq;
const channel = Object.values(amongus.c).find(x=>x.exports?.Z?.getDMChannelFromUserId).exports.Z.getChannel(window.location.pathname.match(/\d+/g)[1])
const piss = Object.values(amongus.c).find(x=>x.exports?.Z?.canAccessGuildSettings).exports.Z.can(perms.EMBED_LINKS,channel)
console.log(piss ? 'you dont have embed failure big W' : 'you have embed failure big LLLLLLLL')
const repeat = 20;
const message = 'amongus'
let amongus;
window.webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[Math.random()],{},(req)=>{amongus = Object.values(req.c)}])
const send = amongus.find(x=>x.exports?.Z?.sendMessage).exports.Z.sendMessage
const id = window.location.pathname.slice(10).split('/')[1]
for(let i = 0; i < repeat; i++) send(id,{content:message,invalidEmojis:[],tts:false,validNonShortcutEmojis:[]})
window.webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[Math.random()],{},async (r)=>{DiscordNative.clipboard.copy(`https://discord.gg/${(await Object.values(r.c).find(x=>x.exports?.Z?.createFriendInvite).exports.Z.createFriendInvite()).code}`)}])