Introduction: "Side Window Filtering" from CVPR 2019 paper. MATLAB implementation with some applications. Filters (mean, median, gaussian) and applications (smoothing, denoising, coloring) are implemented.
Author: Shallwe
Paper: Side Window Filtering
Cite codes: SideWindowFilter, Colorization
Run in MATLAB. Tested in MATLAB 2019b
You can run the following files.
: Demo 1 -- Image Smoothing and Edge Preservingdemo2.m
: Demo 2 -- Image Denoisingdemo3.m
: Demo 3 -- Image Colorization
Result images will be saved after processing.
Demo 1 -- Image Smoothing and Edge Preserving
Demo 2 -- Image Denoising
Demo 3 -- Image Colorization
In demo 1, speed of SW-MED is too slow. It should be accelerated.
In demo 3, why does max operator work and min operator not work? I think it's wrong. If you know why, you can give me suggestions.
In demo 3 code
csig = c_var*2;
, if set 0.6, original algorithm has a good performance. What does it affect?
If found useful, please give me a star🌟! :)
And you can cite the author of the paper.
GitHub Website: SideWindowFilter
This paper: Side Window Filtering
author={Hui Yin and Yuanhao Gong and Guoping Qiu},
Booktitle = {CVPR},
title={Side Window Filtering},
year={2019}, }