This repository contains an example demonstrating how to use Kotlin/Wasm with Jetpack Compose. To know more about Kotlin wasm, please visit
It's a simple web version of compose landing preview animation built with Compose Multiplatform.
Check out the repo, navigate to the project folder, and use the following commands:
./gradlew :webApp:wasmRun
Note Using experimental Kotlin/Wasm may require enabling experimental features in the target environment.
- Chrome 110 or newer: enable WebAssembly Garbage Collection at chrome://flags/#enable-webassembly-garbage-collection or with Chrome 109 or newer, run the program with the
command line argument. - Firefox Nightly 112 or newer: enable javascript.options.wasm_function_references and javascript.options.wasm_gc at about:config.
- Edge 109 or newer: run the program with the
command line argument.
For more information see
It's recommended to use IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 or newer to work with the project.