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Kneemund edited this page Jun 10, 2022 · 17 revisions

General Information

You can get a list of all commands (including short descriptions and arguments) by typing / into the chat box.


Warnings have severity levels ranging from 0 to 3. If you have too many warnings, you will get automatically punished (i.e. muted, temporarily banned or permanently banned). Warnings do not expire, but their influence on these punishments will decrease over time. The higher their severity level is, the longer they will take to decay and the more they will contribute to the punishment system. Severity level 0 warnings do not have any influence on this system, but receiving one may still cause automatic punishment if you have too many existing warnings.

View Warnings

You can make the bot DM you your own warnings by using the following command: /warnings

Time Notation

Time arguments consist of one or multiple units that are chained together, e.g. 20min10s, 1a, 1 minute 30 seconds.
They must not exceed JavaScript's range of timestamps and support the following units: a/y/year/years, mo/month/months, w/week/weeks, d/day/days, h/hour/hours, min/mins/minute/minutes, s/sec/secs/second/seconds


A pasta is a short snippet that contains information. It can be viewed by using /pasta <alias>. The bot will send the closest match, as long as it matches the correct alias at least 50%. In order to list all available pastas, use /pasta without any arguments.