An easy checklist of things you can do to take your privacy more seriously, avoid being tracked by advertisers and ISPs and to protect yourself from maliciousness.
- Do not use 'password' as your password. In fact, don't use any common passwords.
- Don't use public wifi without a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Google what a VPN is and why you should use one
- Accpet that you are being watched. The government has a secret system, a machine that spies on you every hour of every day.
- Recognize that having nothing to hide is not an excuse for lax privacy safeguards.
- Realize fraud and identity theft can happen to you.
- Stop using Facebook Messenger on your phone.
- Stop using Facebook altogther. At the very least, untag all your photos and turn on tag auditing to prevent anyone tagging you without your consent.
- Disable your phones GPS when it is not in use.
- Disable your phones bluetooth when it's not in use.
- Disable your phones wifi when it's not in use.
- Use HTTPSEverywhere and when not in use, avoid any and all http only websites.
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