Just a simple Chatbot in Python using the Google Gemma model from Hugging Face and Gradio for the GUI
This is a simple ChatBot in Python using the Google Gemma model (the google/gemma-2b-it) from the Hugging Face ecosystem; for the GUI I used Gradio.
I mixed example code found on both Hugging Face and Gradio at the following web addresses:
The dependencies are:
- pip install python-dotenv
- pip install https://gradio-builds.s3.amazonaws.com/b9dbcf7aa22fe9a19edbc0c52d46a973d8d57ad4/gradio-4.24.0-py3-none-any.whl
- pip install transformers
- pip3 install torch --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
- pip install accelerate
For more insights please see: https://ingegnerealbano.com/chatbot-in-python-con-gradio-e-google-gemma-sfruttando-hugging-face/