SensorBucket processes data from different sources and devices into a single standardized format. An applications connected to SensorBucket, can use all devices SensorBucket supports.
Missing a device or source? SensorBucket is designed to be scalable and extendable. Create your own worker that receives data from an AMQP source, process said data and output in the expected worker output format.
Find out more at:
Developed and designed by Provincie Zeeland and Pollex'
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.2.5
- Package version: v1.2.5
- Generator version: 7.9.0-SNAPSHOT
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Python 3.7+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import sensorbucket
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import sensorbucket
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import sensorbucket
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = sensorbucket.Configuration(
host = ""
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure Bearer authorization: APIKey
configuration = sensorbucket.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Configure API key authorization: CookieSession
configuration.api_key['CookieSession'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['CookieSession'] = 'Bearer'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with sensorbucket.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = sensorbucket.APIKeysApi(api_client)
create_api_key_request = sensorbucket.CreateApiKeyRequest() # CreateApiKeyRequest | (optional)
# Creates a new API key for the given Tenant
api_response = api_instance.create_api_key(create_api_key_request=create_api_key_request)
print("The response of APIKeysApi->create_api_key:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling APIKeysApi->create_api_key: %s\n" % e)
This package has been extended with generator functions to iterate over SensorBucket pagination. If
an endpoint returns a paginated response, a {method}_gen
function should be available as shown
import sensorbucket as sb
cfg = sb.Configuration()
with sb.ApiClient(cfg) as api:
devices = sb.DevicesApi(api)
# This method will return a Generator which can be iterated over.
# Every iteration returns a page of the results, the next iteration will return the next page
# This can be used to lazily request all devices
pages = devices.list_devices_gen()
# A Generator can be used in a for loop
for page in pages:
# Or iterated over manually
page1 = next(pages)
page2 = next(pages)
page3 = next(pages)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
APIKeysApi | create_api_key | POST /api-keys | Creates a new API key for the given Tenant |
APIKeysApi | get_api_key | GET /api-keys/{api_key_id} | Get an API Key by ID |
APIKeysApi | list_api_keys | GET /api-keys | List API Keys |
APIKeysApi | revoke_api_key | DELETE /api-keys/{api_key_id} | Revokes an API key |
DevicesApi | add_sensor_to_sensor_group | POST /sensor-groups/{id}/sensors | Add sensor to a sensor group |
DevicesApi | create_device | POST /devices | Create device |
DevicesApi | create_device_sensor | POST /devices/{device_id}/sensors | Create sensor for device |
DevicesApi | create_sensor_group | POST /sensor-groups | Create sensor group |
DevicesApi | delete_device | DELETE /devices/{id} | Delete device |
DevicesApi | delete_device_sensor | DELETE /devices/{device_id}/sensors/{sensor_code} | Delete sensor |
DevicesApi | delete_sensor_from_sensor_group | DELETE /sensor-groups/{id}/sensors/{sensor_id} | Delete sensor from sensor group |
DevicesApi | delete_sensor_group | DELETE /sensor-groups/{id} | Delete sensor group |
DevicesApi | get_device | GET /devices/{id} | Get device |
DevicesApi | get_sensor | GET /devices/{device_id}/sensors/{sensor_code} | Get sensor |
DevicesApi | get_sensor_group | GET /sensor-groups/{id} | Get sensor group |
DevicesApi | list_device_sensors | GET /devices/{device_id}/sensors | List sensors device |
DevicesApi | list_devices | GET /devices | List devices |
DevicesApi | list_sensor_groups | GET /sensor-groups | List sensor groups |
DevicesApi | list_sensors | GET /sensors | List sensors |
DevicesApi | update_device | PATCH /devices/{id} | Update device properties |
DevicesApi | update_sensor | PATCH /devices/{device_id}/sensors/{sensor_code} | Update sensor properties |
DevicesApi | update_sensor_group | PATCH /sensor-groups/{id} | Update sensor group |
MeasurementsApi | get_datastream | GET /datastreams/{id} | Get datastream |
MeasurementsApi | list_datastreams | GET /datastreams | List all datastreams |
MeasurementsApi | query_measurements | GET /measurements | Query measurements |
PipelinesApi | create_pipeline | POST /pipelines | Create pipeline |
PipelinesApi | disable_pipeline | DELETE /pipelines/{id} | Disable pipeline |
PipelinesApi | get_pipeline | GET /pipelines/{id} | Get pipeline |
PipelinesApi | list_pipelines | GET /pipelines | List pipelines |
PipelinesApi | update_pipeline | PATCH /pipelines/{id} | Update pipeline |
TenantsApi | add_tenant_member | POST /tenants/{tenant_id}/members | Add a User to a Tenant as member |
TenantsApi | list_tenants | GET /tenants | Retrieves tenants |
TenantsApi | remove_tenant_member | DELETE /tenants/{tenant_id}/members/{user_id} | Removes a member from a tenant |
TenantsApi | update_tenant_member | PATCH /tenants/{tenant_id}/members/{user_id} | Update a tenant member's permissions |
TracingApi | list_ingresses | GET /ingresses | List ingresses |
TracingApi | list_traces | GET /tracing | List traces |
UplinkApi | process_uplink_data | POST /uplinks/{pipeline_id} | Process uplink message |
WorkersApi | create_worker | POST /workers | Create Worker |
WorkersApi | get_worker | GET /workers/{id} | Get worker |
WorkersApi | get_worker_user_code | GET /workers/{id}/usercode | Get the User Code for a Worker |
WorkersApi | list_workers | GET /workers | List workers |
WorkersApi | update_worker | PATCH /workers/{id} | Update worker properties |
- AddSensorToSensorGroup201Response
- AddSensorToSensorGroupRequest
- AddTenantMember201Response
- AddTenantMemberRequest
- ApiError
- ApiKey
- ApiKeyCreated
- ArchivedIngress
- CreateApiKeyRequest
- CreateDevice201Response
- CreateDeviceRequest
- CreateDeviceSensor201Response
- CreatePipeline200Response
- CreatePipelineRequest
- CreateSensorGroup201Response
- CreateSensorGroupRequest
- CreateSensorRequest
- CreateUserWorkerRequest
- CreateWorker201Response
- Datastream
- DeleteDevice200Response
- DeleteDeviceSensor200Response
- DeleteSensorFromSensorGroup200Response
- DeleteSensorGroup200Response
- Device
- DisablePipeline200Response
- GetDatastream200Response
- GetDatastream200ResponseData
- GetDevice200Response
- GetPipeline200Response
- GetSensor200Response
- GetSensorGroup200Response
- GetWorker200Response
- GetWorkerUserCode200Response
- IngressDTO
- ListApiKeys200Response
- ListDatastreams200Response
- ListDeviceSensors200Response
- ListDevices200Response
- ListIngresses200Response
- ListPipelines200Response
- ListSensorGroups200Response
- ListTenants200Response
- ListTraces200Response
- ListWorkers200Response
- Measurement
- PaginatedResponse
- PaginatedResponseLinks
- Pipeline
- QueryMeasurements200Response
- RemoveTenantMember200Response
- RevokeApiKey200Response
- Sensor
- SensorGroup
- Tenant
- Trace
- TraceStep
- UpdateDevice200Response
- UpdateDeviceRequest
- UpdatePipeline200Response
- UpdatePipelineRequest
- UpdateSensor200Response
- UpdateSensorGroup200Response
- UpdateSensorGroupRequest
- UpdateSensorRequest
- UpdateTenantMemberRequest
- UpdateWorker200Response
- UpdateWorkerRequest
- UserWorker
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: SID
- Location:
- Type: Bearer authentication