A multi-tool for correcting chromatic aberration in TIFF images
It is packaged in a single binary with the following subcommands:
A Nelder-Mead solversurvey
Samples the TCA error function in a volume of parameter spaceplot
Generates an R program to plot survey data, solution, and simplex tracesradial
Applies a radial distortion transformation to a TIFF imageview
Helps examine channel convergence by clipping a panel of critical patches from an image
- Run
(there will be dependencies) - Move the binary somewhere in
The image on the left is produced by detecting edges in a crude linear interpolation of the raw EXR photograph. On the right, the corrected version of the same image. Distortion coefficients were obtained from the raw image by minimizing inter-channel differences.
These tools were built to support the decoding of Fuji EXR data. They can be used with images from other sources, in which case they are probably redundant with Hugin, PanoTools, or PTLens (although I hope more convenient in some ways). But for developing the EXR images, there is no usable substitute. Here is the list of reasons why a separate lens correction tool had to be developed for the EXR:
- Fuji makes interesting cameras.
- But Fuji's software is proprietary, GUI-only, Windows/Mac-only, and is not too good. Its beauty is not commensurate with its performance.
- Common tools are unable to interpret high-resolution data from the EXR sensor because of its unusual geometry.
- Unusually high noise with unpleasant statistical properties coupled with strong chromatic aberration defeat many debayering algorithms.
- Consequently, no common lens correction tool can work with this lens/sensor combination, and this problem is circular.
Solution: deal with chromatic aberration head-on, then worry about proper debayering.
- Correcting Chromatic Aberrations with Hugin and PanoTools, by Pablo d'Angelo and Bruno Postle
- Chromatic Aberration Recovery on Arbitrary Images, a PhD thesis by Daniel Blueman
The solution was inspired by the latter thesis, even though like all prior solutions, it didn't quite work as described for Fuji. But it was a great starting point. Daniel's idea was that there must be enough information in an arbitrary image to reconstruct the transformations of the red and blue channels bringing them into alignment with the green channel. In reality (at least in that part of it which pertains to Fuji EXR), arbitrary images are so noisy that the recovery of distortion coefficients by automatic optimization is far from robust. But I have achieved some success with an altered version of Daniel's method applied to the images of calibration targets.
The subtools that do lens distortion (find
, survey
, and radial
) all apply
the same transformation to the input image. Expressed in the most general form,
this transformation locates, for each point in the destination image, the
corresponding point in the source image:
dst(x, y) = src(mapx(x, y), mapy(x, y))
Points in the destination image that map outside the source image (virtual pixels) are set to black. The digital version of this map is computed as follows:
x = (2 · (i + 0.5) - w) / h
y = (2 · (j + 0.5) - h) / h
r = √(x² + y²)
rdistorted = a · r + b · r² + c · r³ + d · r⁴
mapx[j, i] = 0.5 · (h · x · rdistorted / r + w) - shiftx
mapy[j, i] = 0.5 · (h · y · rdistorted / r + h) - shifty
where i and j are the x- and y-indices of the destination image, w and h are the width and height of both images, and (a, b, c, d) are the radial distortion coefficients we seek to recover. Co-ordinates x and y are centered and normalized to the shorter dimension (h in landscape orientation):
Because the radial distortion model does not perfectly fit all real-world cases of chromatic aberration, parameters shiftx and shifty can be used as additional tweaks, but they are not optimized automatically.
I use a printed calibration target mounted on a tripod like so:
The small size of a target like this is believed to present problems at wide angles due to the proximity of the lens and the associated parallax. At my camera's widest setting, I had to shoot this 1m-wide target from about 70 centimeters in order to fill the frame. Lens calibration experts recommend the minimal object distance on the order of 10 meters. I interpret this recommendation as applicable to full-size sensors and lenses used by the experts, and I have found no indications of parallax in the images of this target made with Fuji HS50EXR, whose sensor (6.4 × 4.8 mm) must be one of the smallest to be found in any camera. If the problem exists, it is likely of smaller magnitude than the chromatic aberration problem we're solving.
At any rate, what really matters is that the scene used for calibration is populated by prominent high-contrast features that cannot be easily overcome with noise. The target I use satisfies this requirement, but many other types, such as building façades, will also work.
This workflow will take you from a raw image to a first guesstimate of distortion coefficients. It is essentially the same workflow Daniel Blueman describes in his thesis, except in this instance, we use edge-detected derivatives of the calibration image instead of histogram-equalized ones, and, against Daniel's recommendation, the Nelder-Mead solver is used instead of L-BFGS-B — for the simple technical reason that I was unable to get BFGS going.
The following diagram shows two entry points: one for the EXR data, and another
one for conventional Bayer. The EXR array is composed of two interlaced Bayer
arrays. They are interlaced in such a way that their combination can only be
mapped to a rectangular grid if they are tilted 45°. The dechrom
tool suite
works equally well with both kinds of images; the only difference is the
EXR-specific optimization whereby the black mask surrounding the tilted array
is excluded from processing. Also, a Fuji-specific tool from another tool suite
(fuji-exr linear) is needed to produce
the first linear interpolation of the EXR image.
In either case, use a simple linear interpolation. Avoid AHD, bicubic, or any sophisticated interpolation method. They are all based on the assumption that color planes are aligned.
At the end of this workflow, a lattice of central and peripheral patches from the proof image is composed as a quality control aid. The goal is to make the edges appear as white as possible at the pixel level, and to make sure that any remaining color fringing does not show consistent directional bias across the image. Interpolation artifacts and aliasing in edge detection will always result in scattered colored spots and line segments, but such defects must not be continuous and they must not occur on the same side everywhere. The following two samples illustrate the unbiased and biased patterns:
Small biases can be compensated by tweaking distortion coefficients (starting
with the d, as it has the highest power) or by shifting the entire color
plane (parameters x and y in radial
). For example, if the red
color plane is in a perfect match in one corner but appears to be too large in
the opposite corner, with the defect varying proportionally in between, such
result may indicate an axial tilt. The radial TCA model is unable to correct such
aberration, but it can be somewhat compensated by reducing the overall expansion
for this plane and shifting it at the same time.
Test the same procedure on several images shot with the same focal distance under different conditions: different exposure, different angles, &c. Avoid over-fitting at this stage. Edge-detected images or other derivatives used to estimate the TCA may not be accurate representations of raw data; use them as rough guides.
If all went well and simple optimization of a few target images has delivered a
workable set of distortion parameters, stash them in a database indexed by
focal distance and whatever else you think might be a factor. Maybe you will
discover that temperature or elevation above sea level are significant factors.
Maybe one of your factors will be a boolean named before/after I dropped the camera
The next time you encounter an image matching this database entry, the same core workflow you used to discover the distortion parameters can be applied to it (sans optimization):
#Fuji HS50EXR HR mode @4.4mm
dcraw -d -s all -4 -T $path.RAF
fuji-exr linear -x ${path}_[01]* interpolated.tiff
convert interpolated.tiff -separate interpolated-%d.tiff
dechrom radial -f -x-0.5 -y-1 0.999554 0.001957 0.002131 -0.0033 interpolated-0.tiff interpolated-dist-0.tiff
dechrom radial -f 0.999098 0.001327 0.002287 -0.0025 interpolated-2.tiff interpolated-dist-2.tiff
fuji-exr ssdd -x 3264x2464 interpolated-dist-0.tiff interpolated-1.tiff interpolated-dist-2.tiff $path.tiff
What happens here:
The raw image is extracted with
in document mode (-d
) and all two of its subframes (-s all
) are saved as 16-bit linear (-4
) TIFFs (-T
). The subframes are labeled_0
, and each contains a regular BGGR Bayer array. -
fuji-exr linear
tool rotates and interlaces these subrframes, reconstructing the Fuji EXR array. Then it does a first-order linear interpolation within each subframe, pretending the other subframe does not exist. Doing so leads to a loss of spatial resolution in the green and red color planes, but at this point, preserving unbiased inter-channel registration is more important, and symmetric linear interpolation is the only way to do it. -
splits the interpolated raw image into separate color planes, labeling them with-0
for red,-1
for green, and-2
for blue. These suffixes are generated by the by the%d
macro in the output argument. -
The distortion coefficients discovered by optimization (or otherwise) are used to remap the red and blue planes with
dechrom radial
. In this example, the red plane is translated by a small amount. At this stage, the only remaining raw data reside in one half of the green channel that has not been interpolated. All red and blue pixels have been spread and shifted around. -
However, the resulting color planes still have the same arrangement as the original EXR array. They are further processed as a surrogate raw image by the self-similarity-driven debayering tool
fuji-exr ssdd
implementing the SSDD algorithm by Buades et al.
The following set of images demonstrates the stages of this process. The sample on the left represents raw data after linear interpolation. The middle sample is the TCA-corrected version of interpolated raw data. At this point, this project's lens-correction job is done (perhaps not perfectly, but reasonably well). However, the whole point of doing it was to enable proper debayering, which can now be accomplished in a number of ways. SSDD is one such method, and its output is shown on the right. Note how it fixes the zipper artifact in the deep shadow above the latch handle, and how it removes some of the chroma noise without degrading the level of detail.