The Biomod Jekyll site. by Shawn Douglas, Kris St.Gabriel, and Byron Hinebaugh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at
git clone [email protected]:sdouglas/biomod.git
To start the server:
jekyll server -w
Now open a browser to localhost:4000
gem install sass AND it might need a dependency gem install rb-inotify
Once installed
sass --watch assets/scss:assets/css --style compressed
What is this? It watches the assets/scss directory for changes and compiles the scss files into compressed css files on the fly.
Now, the site only loads the .css files, it doesn't know about the the .scss files; we're working with .scss and compiling them into something the browser can use.
Never change a .css file, only change a .scss file, or the SASS compiler will overwrite those changes.
CSS files aren't being tracked until we're ready for production: this is because every commit creates stupid conflicts needing merges. SO in production, the line in .gitignore must be removed so git just tracks css files again.
Dates of events are defined by registration_date
in _config.yml so they can be changed site-wide from a single location (although currently date is only used in countdown panel and js timer itself).
The date format in _config.yml is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +/-TTTT
although the UTC offset is optional.
In the templates however, it is possible to change the date format with liquid tags (as described by shopify ). For example:
{{ site.registration_date | date_to_long_string }}
{{ site.registration_date | date: "%B %-d %R" }}
Countdown is set up in main.js but draws the registration date from _config and converts it to a javascript Date object for calculating time remaining.
Bourbon, a set of sass classes is installed and we're using its companion set, 'Neat' for its grid. To update these libraries, go into the /assets/scss directory and type update neat
and update bourbon
By adding this line to _config.yml excerpt_separator: We can add to a blog, so it cuts off the excerpt display at its location. This is important as a LONG blog post will display in its entirety on the front page. You don't want that.
Mr. Poole, an tool for using jekyll
Using Jekyll Plugins on Github Pages blog entry from
tapir offers search based on an RSS feed, useful for static sites.
Credit card icons on the donation page are derived from