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Welcome to MechMania! The python starterpack will allow you to write a python bot to compete against others. Two bots will be faced against each other, and then the engine will run a simulation to see who wins! After the engine runs you'll get a gamelog (a large json file) that you can use in the visualizer to visualize the game's progress and end result.
To begin, make sure you have Java 17+ installed. You can test this by running:
java --version
Also, you'll need python 3.9+, and you can make sure you have it by running:
python --version
Make sure you're using 3.9+, or things will break!
To install the engine, you can simply run:
and you should see an engine.jar appear in engine/engine.jar!
If you don't, you can manually install it by following the instructions on the engine page.
To modify your strategy, you'll want to edit strategy/
You should only need to edit files in the strategy directory.
To run your client, you can use the following commands:
python run self
python run humanComputer
python run zombieComputer
You shouldn't need to do this, unless none of the other methods work.
Expand instructions
To serve your bot to a port, you can run it like this:
python serve [port]
Where port is the port you want to serve to, like 9001 for example:
python serve 9001
A full setup with the engine might look like (all 3 commands in separate terminal windows):
python serve 9001
python serve 9002
java -jar engine.jar 9001 9002