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STOFS-3D scripts: Updated the urban polygon for MTG area; refactored …
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…the bathy loading script and added examples.
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feiye-vims committed Sep 27, 2024
1 parent d9b1f77 commit 8fb2819
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Showing 11 changed files with 510 additions and 64 deletions.
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@@ -1,12 +1 @@
Temporary procedure:
1. load depth using DEM_info_original.json
ln -s DEM_info_original.json DEM_info.json
run pload*py
save outputs to a sub dir Original

2. load depth with BlueTopo in a local region
ln -s DEM_info_with_bluetopo.json DEM_info.json
run pload
save outputs to a sub dir BlueTopo/

3. use max*.py to get the maximum depth of the two hgrids (i.e., in the local region of Step 2)
See usage at the beginning of
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Load bathymetry for SCHISM hgrid
Needs to prepare the following files/folder:
- hgrid.ll: hgrid in lon/lat
- DEM tiles: pre-processed from *.tif and *.asc to python's *.npz format for faster reading.
- DEM*.json: specifying DEM tiles used, and arranged from lower priority to higher priority.
See samples in this folder.
- region (optional): A polygon shapefile specifiying regions where special treatment is applied.
See sample procedure for STOFS-3D v7 in "def stofs_v7" in "".
Sample *.shp is provided in this folder.
See sample procedures in "def stofs3d_v6" and "def stofs3d_v7".

import os
import sys
import re
import time
import json
import errno
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
import geopandas as gpd
from pylib import load_bathymetry, zdata

# Attempt to import experimental grid reader for speed-up
from pylib_experimental.schism_file import cread_schism_hgrid as read_hgrid
except ImportError:
from pylib import schism_grid as read_hgrid

# ---------------------- MPI Utilities ----------------------
def initialize_mpi():
Initialize MPI communicator and return size and rank.
return comm, comm.Get_size(), comm.Get_rank()

# ---------------------- File Handling ----------------------
def check_dem_files(dem_file_headers, dem_dir):
Check for the existence of DEM files in the specified directory.
Raises FileNotFoundError if any files are missing.
for header in dem_file_headers:
fnames = [i for i in os.listdir(dem_dir) if i.startswith(header)]
if not fnames:
raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), f'{header}*.npz')

def sort_dem_files(dem_file_headers, dem_dir):
Sort DEM files by ID numbers.
fnames0 = np.array([i for i in os.listdir(dem_dir) if i.endswith('.npz')])
fnames_sort = []

for header in dem_file_headers:
fnames_sub = np.array([fname for fname in fnames0 if fname.startswith(header)])
if len(fnames_sub) == 1:

# Sort by ID number, the last number before the suffix ".*"
fid = np.array([int(re.findall(r'(\d+)', i)[-1]) for i in fnames_sub])
sind = np.argsort(fid)

return np.array(fnames_sort), fnames0

# ---------------------- Bathymetry Loading ----------------------
def initialize_grid_data():
Initialize the zdata object for saving grid data.
grid_data = zdata()
grid_data.dp = dict()
grid_data.sind = dict()
return grid_data

def distribute_files(fnames_sort, nproc, myrank):
Distribute DEM files among MPI processes.
fnames, inum = [], []
for m, fname in enumerate(fnames_sort):
if m % nproc == myrank:
return np.array(fnames), inum

def load_bathymetry_on_core(gd, dem_dir, fnames, reverse_sign, myrank):
Load bathymetry on each core and return a zdata object with results.
grid_data = initialize_grid_data()
for fname in fnames:
bname = fname.split('.')[0]
dpi, sindi = load_bathymetry(gd.x, gd.y, os.path.join(dem_dir, fname), fmt=1)
if reverse_sign:
dpi = -dpi
grid_data.dp[bname] = dpi
grid_data.sind[bname] = sindi
print(f'Finished reading {fname}, myrank={myrank}')
return grid_data

def gather_and_combine_results(comm, myrank, grid_data):
Gather and combine bathymetry results from all cores.
gathered_data = comm.gather(grid_data, root=0)

if myrank == 0:
combined_data = initialize_grid_data()
for this_data in gathered_data:
return combined_data
return None

def set_final_bathymetry(grid_data, gd, fnames_sort, fnames0):
Set the final bathymetry in the grid object and return diagnostic information.
did = np.ones(, dtype=int)
dname = []

for i, fname in enumerate(fnames_sort):
bname = fname.split('.')[0]
sind = grid_data.sind[bname]
dp = grid_data.dp[bname]
gd.dp[sind] = dp
did[sind] = i + 1
dname.append([k for k in fnames0 if k.startswith(fname)][0])

return did, dname

def write_diagnostics(grdout, did, dname):
Write diagnostic files with DEM IDs and names.
with open(f'{grdout}_dem_id', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fid:
fid.writelines(f'{i}\n' for i in did)

with open(f'{grdout}_dem_name', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fid:
fid.writelines(f'{i + 1}: {name}\n' for i, name in enumerate(dname))

# ---------------------- core routine ----------------------
def pload_dem(grd, grdout, dem_json, dem_dir, reverse_sign=True):
Core routine to load bathymetry using mpi.
comm, nproc, myrank = initialize_mpi()

# read inputs
if myrank == 0:
gd = read_hgrid(grd)
gd.dp[:] = -9999 # Reset depth to -9999
dem_info_dict = json.load(open(dem_json, encoding='utf-8'))
check_dem_files(dem_info_dict.keys(), dem_dir)
start_time = time.time()
gd, dem_info_dict = None, None

# Broadcast grid and DEM info to all cores
gd = comm.bcast(gd, 0)
dem_info_dict = comm.bcast(dem_info_dict, 0)

# Sort DEM files
fnames_sort, fnames0 = sort_dem_files(dem_info_dict.keys(), dem_dir)

# Distribute DEM files among cores
fnames, _ = distribute_files(fnames_sort, nproc, myrank)

# Load bathymetry on each core
grid_data = load_bathymetry_on_core(gd, dem_dir, fnames, reverse_sign, myrank)

# Gather and combine results from all cores
combined_data = gather_and_combine_results(comm, myrank, grid_data) # returns None for non-root processes

# Save combined results and write output if root process
if myrank == 0:
did, dname = set_final_bathymetry(combined_data, gd, fnames_sort, fnames0)
if grdout is not None:
write_diagnostics(grdout, did, dname)

print(f'Total time used: {time.time() - start_time:.2f} s')
return gd
return None

def max_dp_in_region(grid_list: list, region_file: str, primary_grid_idx: int = 0):
In a specified region, copy the depth of the first grid in a list
and change it to the maximum depth of all grids.
If region_file is None, the operation applies to the entire grid.

dp = deepcopy(grid_list[primary_grid_idx].dp)
if region_file is not None:
region_gdf = gpd.read_file(region_file)

points_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(x=grid_list[0].x, y=grid_list[0].y), crs='epsg:4326')

points_in_region = gpd.sjoin(
points_gdf, region_gdf.to_crs('epsg:4326'), how='inner', predicate='within'
print(f'{len(points_in_region)} nodes in region.')

dp_max = np.max([gd.dp for gd in grid_list], axis=0)
dp[points_in_region] = dp_max[points_in_region]
dp = np.max([gd.dp for gd in grid_list], axis=0)

return dp

# ---------------------- Sample Usage ----------------------
def sample_max_dp_usage():
'''Sample usage of the max_dp_in_region function.'''

wdir = '/sciclone/schism10/feiye/STOFS3D-v7/Inputs/v7_test/Bathy_edit/DEM_loading/'
gd1 = read_hgrid(f'{wdir}/Original/hgrid.ll.dem_loaded.mpi.gr3')
gd2 = read_hgrid(f'{wdir}/BlueTopo/hgrid.ll.dem_loaded.mpi.gr3')

dp = max_dp_in_region([gd1, gd2], region_file=f'{wdir}/v18_s2_v1_polys_dissolved.shp')'{wdir}/hgrid_max_dp.gr3', value=dp)

def stofs3d_v6():
Sample usage of the pload_dem function, corresponding to STOFS-3D v6
wdir = '/sciclone/schism10/feiye/STOFS3D-v7/Inputs/v7_test/Bathy_edit/DEM_loading/'

def stofs3d_v7_hercules():
Similar to stofs3d_v7 below, but with minor tweaks
to resolve some unknown issues on Hercules.
# ----------- inputs -------------------
wdir = '/work/noaa/nosofs/feiye/STOFS-3D-Atl-Example-Setup/DEM_loading_example/'
dem_dir = '/work2/noaa/nos-surge/feiye/npz2/'
dem_json_list = [
dem_region_shpfile = f'{wdir}/v18_s2_v1_polys_dissolved.shp'
output_fname = f'{wdir}/hgrid.ll.dem_loaded.mpi.gr3'
# ---------------------------------------

comm, _, myrank = initialize_mpi()

loaded_grid_fnames = []
for dem_json in dem_json_list:
grdout = f'{dem_json}.gr3'
# Load grids in parallel
pload_dem(grd=f'{wdir}/hgrid.ll', grdout=grdout, dem_json=dem_json,
dem_dir=dem_dir, reverse_sign=True)

if myrank == 0:
print(f'---------Loaded grid from {dem_json}----------\n')

# On root process, take the maximum depth from loaded_grids
if myrank == 0:
print(f'Taking the maximum depth from loaded grids: {loaded_grid_fnames}')
loaded_grids = [read_hgrid(f) for f in loaded_grid_fnames]
dp = max_dp_in_region(loaded_grids, region_file=dem_region_shpfile)
loaded_grids[0].save(output_fname, value=dp)


def stofs3d_v7():
Load bathymetry for STOFS3D-v7.
Two DEM sets are used to load bathymetry from different sources.
The first one corresponds to v6, the second one includes BlueTopo.
This leads to two bathymetry-loaded grids.
A region (Louisiana) is defined where the v6 grid seems too shallow.
The v7 grid depth takes the larger value from the two grids inside region,
i.e., where BlueTopo leads to deeper channels than v6.
And it takes the v6 value outside the region.
# ----------- inputs -------------------
# wdir = '/work/noaa/nosofs/feiye/STOFS-3D-Atl-Example-Setup/DEM_loading_example/'
# dem_dir = '/work2/noaa/nos-surge/feiye/npz2/'
wdir = '/sciclone/schism10/feiye/STOFS3D-v7/Inputs/v7_test/Bathy_edit/DEM_loading/'
dem_dir = '/sciclone/schism10/Hgrid_projects/DEMs/npz2/'
dem_json_list = [
dem_region_shpfile = f'{wdir}/v18_s2_v1_polys_dissolved.shp'
output_fname = f'{wdir}/hgrid.ll.dem_loaded.mpi.gr3'
# ---------------------------------------

comm, _, myrank = initialize_mpi()

loaded_grids = []
for dem_json in dem_json_list:
# Load grids in parallel
pload_dem(grd=f'{wdir}/hgrid.ll', grdout=None, dem_json=dem_json,
dem_dir=dem_dir, reverse_sign=True) # returns None for non-root
) # On non-root processes, loaded_grids only contains None
comm.Barrier() # wait for all cores to finish populating loaded_grids
if myrank == 0:
print(f'---------Loaded grid from {dem_json}----------\n')

# On root process, take the maximum depth from loaded_grids
if myrank == 0:
print(f'Taking the maximum depth from loaded grids: {loaded_grids}')
dp = max_dp_in_region(loaded_grids, region_file=dem_region_shpfile)
loaded_grids[0].save(output_fname, value=dp)


if __name__ == '__main__':

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