ROS wrapper for
In addition to openface_ros, clone the following repositories from rgbd, tue_serialization, geolib2, code_profiler, ed_perception, ann2, tue_config, tue_filesystem, ed, ed_object_models, ed_sensor_integration, blackboard, cb_planner_msgs_srvs, and vocabulary_tree
Also clone usb_cam from
Also create a symbolic link from where ever openface is installed to ~.
catkin build
You may have to build ed, then ed_perception before building the other packages (e.g., catkin build ed, catkin build ed_perception, etc.).
Also, if you have OpenCV or CUDA set up differently than usual set those as cmake arguments (e.g., catkin config -a --cmake-args -DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/cuda-7.5 -DOpenCV_DIR=/home//local/share/OpenCV).
Terminal 1:
# start roscore & the usb camera node
roscore &
cd <location of workspace>
source ./devel/setup.bash
rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node &
# original use case: this will not load or save a library
rosrun openface_ros &
# security use case: this will load a library if the file exists, otherwise it will create it; the library will be updated after learning
rosrun openface_ros _face_dict_filename:=<my filname.pickle> &
# echo messages from the openface node
rostopic echo face_recognition_name
Terminal 2:
cd <location of workspace>
source ./devel/setup.bash
# original use case: this is interactive
rosrun openface_ros image:=/usb_cam/image_raw _external_api_request:=true
# security use case: not interactive (always detects), does not use call the external api, and will not save out images (for speed)
rosrun openface_ros image:=/usb_cam/image_raw _external_api_request:=false _interactive:=false _save_images:=false
- Learn (L openCV Waitkey)
- Detect (D openCV Waitkey)
- Clear (C openCV Waitkey) L, D, and C should be in the OpenCV window