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Sergio Cambra edited this page Jan 23, 2025 · 4 revisions

RecordSelect configures through one method with optional arguments, like this:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  record_select :search_on => [:first_name, last_name]

The options you can pass are:

  • :model: the name of the model you want to expose. defaults based on the name of the controller
  • :per_page: how many records to show per page when browsing
  • :notify: a method name to invoke when a record has been selected, if you want server-side notification.
  • :order_by: a SQL string to order the search results
  • :search_on: a field name, or an array of field names. these fields will each be matched against each search term.
  • :full_text_search: a boolean for whether to use a %?% search pattern or not. default is false.
  • :toggle_search_mode: a boolean to add a button to change between full_text_search on (contains) and off (begins).
  • :label: a proc that accepts a record and returns a descriptive string. the default one calls :to_label on the record.
  • :include: as for ActiveRecord::QueryMethods, can load associations used for rendering the record's label.
  • :joins: as for ActiveRecord::QueryMethods, joins with associations so they can used in search_on or order_by.
  • :left_joins: as joins, but does LEFT OUTER JOIN instead of INNER JOIN.

If want to use an association in search_on or order_by, and preload it, add it to both joins/left_joins and include, or define record_select_includes method in the controller, the result of that method will be used as parameter for includes and references, so it's eager loaded with left outer join.

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