Fluentd is an Open Source data collector that can be used to forward logs to Logz.io.
This implementation uses a Fluentd DaemonSet to collect Kubernetes logs and send them to Logz.io. The Kubernetes DaemonSet ensures that some or all nodes run a copy of a pod.
The logzio-k8s image comes pre-configured for Fluentd to gather all logs from the Kubernetes node environment and append the proper metadata to the logs.
This terraform module is developed based on https://docs.logz.io/shipping/log-sources/kubernetes.html
It is tested with AWS EKS v1.18 and Terraform v0.14.3
module "logzio-rbac" {
source = "sanarena/logzio-rbac/kubernetes"
version = "1.0.1"
logzio_listener = "listener-nl.logz.io"
logzio_token = "--Your-Account-Token--"