Dockerfile / Docker-compose file to build a MongoDB Ops Manager container image.
- Latest Version:
- Please check Ops Manager Installation Guide for avoid time wasting specialy Ops Manager Hardware and Software Requirements
- 4+ Core / 16G Memory will prefer - use m3.xlarge as default.
- for built-in Mongo need separe disk spec - 50G i will prefer for this case.
- you should get ready on docker install on your hosts and run
docker run -d -v /mnt/data:/data sahsu/docker-opsmanager
- it will (1) pull sahsu/docker-opsmanager from Docker Hub (2) run it as background.
- and waiting for 3 - 5 mins ( depends on your instance type ) and open
- default port - 8080 and you can add -p 18080:8080 on docker run command to change your port.
- after you run docker images and waiting for 3 - 5 mins you can open browser to open your ops manager -
- for default configure the mongodb for application and backup will running on same instance so you don't need to do anything configure update, for separe Mongodb please check on Configure
- Ops Manager designed to serverless means your app is only app, all data is stored on Application MongoDB
- By default, if you don't assign OPSMANAGER_MONGO_APP then script will create two mongo in local running with port : 27017 & 27018
- if you are going to manually deploy Ops Manger with 2 mongo you can use sample code:
sudo docker run --name appmongo -d mongo:3
sudo docker run --name backupmongo -d mongo:3
sudo docker run -d -v /mnt/data:/data \
--link appmongo:appmongo \
--link backupmongo:backupmongo \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e 'OPSMANAGER_MONGO_APP=appmongo:27017' \
-e 'OPSMANAGER_BACKUPMONGO=backupmongo:27017' \
- OPSMANAGER_CFG: the main ops manager cfg, you should keep this are same.
- OPSMANAGER_MONGO_APP: application mongodb URI & Port, default use loaclhost:27017.
- OPSMANAGER_CENTRALURL: default ops manager URI, change it to your FQDN.
- OPSMANAGER_CENTRALURLPORT: default ops manager URI port, change it your port.
- OPSMANAGER_BACKUPURL: default ops manager backup url, should same as OPSMANAGER_CENTRALURL.
- OPSMANAGER_BACKUPURLPORT: default ops manager backup url port
- OPSMANAGER_FROMEMAIL: default ops manager from email
- OPSMANAGER_ADMINEMAIL: default ops manager admin email
- OPSMANAGER_REPLYTOEMAIL: default reply email
- OPSMANAGER_ADMINFROMEMAIL: default admin from email
- OPSMANAGER_BOUNCEEMAIL: default bounce email
- OPSMANAGER_APPLOG: default log path
- OPSMANAGER_BACKUPLOG: default backup log path
- OPSMANAGER_BACKUPMONGO: default backup mongo URI ( should same as OPSMANAGER_MONGO_APP )
- OPSMANAGER_BACKUPPATH: default backup daemon storage databse path
- You can use
to quick start up with app x 1 mongodb x 2 ( for app & backup purpose )
cd to docker-opsmanager/
sudo docker-compose up
- and you can check on (docker-compose.yml) for more detail information and made your docker-compose configure file.
- ** app:start **: start Ops Manager, default action
- ** bash **: start bash, run it with
docker run -it
you can enter bash and run/sbin/
for see manually startups Ops Manager.