All deployment objects, prerequsites included, are stored in the deployment
All objects required for building a custom image are stored in the devspaces-developer-image github project.
- OpenShift Dev Spaces
- OpenShift Pipelines
- OpenShift GitOps
This project uses a custom created Universal Developer Image, which is provided in this GitHub Repository. The whole topology consists of 3 namespaces, the devspaces namespace containing the OpenShift Dev Spaces (CheCluster) instance, the devspaces-image namespace containing the quarkus developer image pipeline and the devspaces-demo namespace containing this project.
- Create Namespaces
oc new-project devspaces oc new-project devspaces-image oc new-project devspaces-demo
- Annotate Namespaces for OpenShift GitOps
oc annotate namespace devspaces-demo oc annotate namespace devspaces-image
- set policy to OpenShift gitOps
oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin system:serviceaccount:openshift-gitops:openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller -n devspaces-demo oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin system:serviceaccount:openshift-gitops:openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller -n devspaces-image
The pipeline of this project pushes its image to Dev Spaces needs git credentials to commit to the repository.
- username and cli token
- GitHub user id and secret
- Have a look at the
file, insert your credentials and apply this file - Link quay secret to pipeline ServiceAccount
oc secret link pipeline quay-secret
Depending on your usage you will need to share (in kubernetes that means re-create) a secret in multiple namespaces.
- sharing a secret (for example the quay-secret, just change the name to github-oauth-config for the git secret) between namespaces via copy&paste:
oc get secret quay-secret -o json \ | jq 'del(.metadata["namespace","creationTimestamp","resourceVersion","selfLink","uid"])' \ | oc apply -n devspaces-demo -f -
This dev spaces demo shows a full circle for a workspace environment with connected pipelines and gitops. To deploy (and after you have completed the prerequisites), configure the argoapp.yaml
file and apply it in your namespace via:
oc apply -f deployment/argoapp.yaml
The main interesting part of this repository is the devfile.yaml
containing all the dev spaces configuration of the specific namespace.
The pipeline and deployment is accomplished via helm. Have a look at the deployment/helm folder
for futher details.
To use this project on your own you'll have to do these steps:
- Fork this project
- Create the devspaces-demo repository in
- Set your git and quay repo urls in the
file - Set your git repo url in the
file - Commit everything
- Set your github and credentials in the
file and apply it to your cluster in your devspaces-demo namespace - Apply the argo app via
oc apply -f deployment/argoapp.yaml
- In the browser, navigate in your forked github devspaces-demo project to the settings page and open your webhooks
- Copy your pipeline event listener url via
oc get route devspaces-demo-el-route -n devspaces-demo -o go-template='{{}}'
- Create a webhook, paste the pipeline and set the content type to json
- Open your Dev Spaces project, for example via link: []
- Start coding cool stuff
If you want to create your own custom images, you'll also have to fork the devspaces-developer-image Project, complete the steps documented in the there and set the name of your developer image repo in the devfile.yaml