General idea about the code:
Train the classifier on [MNIST/CIFAR] sampled in a mini-batch Sort dataset wrt the forgetting statistics.
Working steps:
Step 1: Load the [MNIST/CIFAR] dataset Step 2: Train a classifier with given settings of hyper-parameters. Step 3: Train() on each epcoh. Step 4: Inside train also choose the samples in between to and stor their metrics. Add those stats with examples. Step 5: Calculate the loss and predicted label. Step 6: Compute forgetting stats and accuracy. Append this information with each example. (Append loss and accuracy) Step 7: Based on the forgetting statistics, sort the dataset.
The trick (Addition of LD in AL pipeline): Step 1: Train the model with k labelled dataset Step 2: Predict the unlabelled examples and save the labels. Step 3: Now using the label-dispersion score, sort the examples. (Highest LD being the most uncertain example) Step 4: Add to the labelled pool and remove from the unlabelled pool. Step 5: Perform the AL cycle and repeat till convergence Step 6: Evaluate
Programming Assignment 1 Detailed ReadMe Advanced Machine Learning There are 2 methods which can be used to reproduce the results. Method 1 (Common steps for MNIST/CIFAR) Step 1: Clone the GitHub repository directly to the current working directory. !git clone Step 2: Navigate to the folder “example_forgetting” %cd example_forgetting/ Step 3: Install requirements. It is important because author have used specific version of “torchvision” library. Dependencies has to be installed as same as author to reproduce the results. !pip install -r requirements.txt Step 4: Now train basic CNN Deep Neural Network model with the MNIST Dataset using following parameters Step 5: Use the pkl file saved in step 4 to calculate number of unforgettable examples. With the setting: {'dataset': 'mnist', 'batch_size': 64, 'epochs': 200, 'lr': 0.01, 'momentum': 0.5, 'no_cuda': False, 'seed': 2, 'sorting_file': 'none', 'remove_n': 0, 'keep_lowest_n': 0, 'no_dropout': True, 'input_dir': 'mnist_results/', 'output_dir': 'mnist_results'} Namespace(epochs=200, input_dir='mnist_results', input_fname_args=['dataset', 'mnist', 'no_dropout', 'True', 'sorting_file', 'none', 'remove_n', '0', 'keep_lowest_n', '0'], output_dir='mnist_results', output_name='mnist_sorted') !python --output_dir mnist_results --output_name mnist_sorted --input_dir mnist_results --input_fname_args dataset mnist no_dropout True sorting_file none remove_n 0 keep_lowest_n 0
Method 2 (Common steps for MNIST/CIFAR) Step 1: Load the storage (in our case we load google colab) Step 2: Navigate to root folder Step 3: Clone the original repository to install requirements. Step 4: Import all dependencies. Step 5: Decide dataset and model to use. (CIFAR10 and resnet18). Also create a data dictionary which contains all the parameters required to be set before training. It requires following inputs: dataset model batch_size epochs learning_rate data_augmentation cutout n_holes length no_cuda seed sorting_file remove_n keep_lowest_n no_dropout remove_subsample noise_percent_labels noise_percent_pixels noise_std_pixels optimizer input_dir output_dir Step 6: Image pre-processing, normalize and train transofmrations. Step 7: Download the tar file for the CIFAR10/MNIST and untar to present working directory. Further split that to trainset and testset.
Step 8: Get indices of examples that should be used for training. And assign the labels and dataset if transformed or removed some examples from the dataset. Step 9: Introduce noise to data and flip the labels if specified. Step 9.1: Compute number of labels to change Step 9.2: Randomly choose which labels to change, get indices Step 9.3: Flip each of the randomly chosen labels Step 10: Setup the model for training the dataset. Step 11: Initialize dictionary to save statistics for every example presentation or epochs and log the best train and test accuracy so far. Step 12 (How train method works): Train model for one epoch. It has example stats dictionary containing statistics accumulated over every presentation of example. Step 12.1: Get trainset indices for batch. Step 12.2: Get batch inputs and targets, transform them appropriately. Step 12.3: Forward propagation, compute loss, get predictions. Step 12.4: Update statistics and loss Step 12.5: Example classified correctly, highest incorrect class is 2nd largest output and Example misclassified, highest incorrect class is max output. Step 12.6: Add the statistics of the current training example to dictionary. And Save training accuracy. Step 13 (How test method works): Get inputs and targets. Test the predictions and compute loss. Save test accuracy. Also save pkl for best model. Step 14: Investigate learned events, unlearned events and forgettable events. Give 1 to learned event, 0 to unlearned event and for the forgettable event you give value from 0 to 1. (This is called computing forgetting statistics) Step 15: Sort the examples based on the score assigned in previous step. If we break down, we say, sorts examples by number of forgetting counts during training. If an example was never learned, it is assigned the maximum number of forgetting counts, since multiple training runs used, sort examples by the sum of their forgetting counts over all runs. (Sort from highest forgetting to lowest forgetting) Step 16: Steps 10 and 11 are repeated for all epochs. Compute the forgetting statistics per example for training run. Step 17: Print the number of unforgettable examples