This game, Alien Invasion, is created after the popular "Space Invaders". Most of the code here is from Eric Matthes' "Python Crash Course", though I have added some gameplay and aesthetic changes.
The only major game play changes include:
- Enemies are now able to shoot back
- Reduced the number of lives by one to make gameplay more challenging
- Added a feature that saves the high score so it isn't reset each time you start the game
Aesthetic Changes:
- Added a Game Over Button
- Changed background color
- Changed Font
- Changed ship image, image was taken from:
- Changed alien image, image taken from video game, "Galaga"
Python 3 is required.
To move the ship right or left, use the corresponding arrow keys and shoot bullets using the spacebar. When the game begins, a fleet of aliens appears at the top and moves across and down the screen. After each fleet is destroyed, a new fleet appears that will be faster than the previous one. Once an alien reaches the bottom of the screen, or hits the player's ship with a bullet, then the player loses a ship. Once the player loses all his ships, the game is over.
$ git clone
$ cd Alien-Invasion
To run:
Have Fun!