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Philipp edited this page Jul 19, 2020 · 2 revisions

The CAE is realised by two services, the model persistence service and the code generation service. Both are built with las2peer and provide a RESTful api, database access and more.

Model Persistence Service


Path Type Parameter Response Description
/models/ POST - Created, bad request, conflict or internal error Entry point for storing a model to the database.

Code Generation Service

This provides generated code from templates and is used by the model persistence service. It also provides a RESTful interface for managing files and the corresponding git repositories. This is mainly used by the live editor and the live preview.


Path Type Parameter Response Description
/{repositoryName}/push/ PUT Name of the repository OK or internal error Merges the development branch of the given repository with the master/gh-pages branch and pushes the changes to the remote repository.
/{repositoryName}/file/ PUT Name of the repository OK, internal error or not found Store the content and traces of a file in a repository and commit it to the local repository.
/{repositoryName}/segment/{modelId} GET Name of the repository, ID of model OK, internal error or not found Calculate and returns the file name and segment id for a given model id.
/{repositoryName}/livePreviewFiles/ GET Name of the repository OK, internal error or not found Get the files needed for the live preview widget collected in one response.
/{repositoryName}/file/ GET Name of the repository OK, internal error or not found Returns the content encoded in base64 of a file in a repository.
/{repoName}/files GET Name of the repository OK or internal error List all files of a folder of a repository.
/{repoName}/delete GET Name of the repository OK or internal error Deletes a local repository