Eventually this will be a platform. Set up as a github organization. Displaying code examples. Automating nitty gritty. Using the simplest languages and frameworks to showcase specific useful things you can do at Runtime. This will not be one language but different languages that work best for each example..
Currently I will be putting things in here as I discover them. Simular to this repository I created for github commands: https://github.com/mapFactory/Github_Map_Closing_Notes
meta-programming often happens at runtime in RAM. But you can get smart about it. Persist code. to be recompiled.
But you dont want to add code blindly. A more valuable attribute would be reverse persistance.
Removing code to be recompiled. You could even version your stuff.
"Versioning :O, this makes duplicate code."
"We have space on our computer. No worries. We do not want to duplicate code inside the run environment. We do not want to duplicate code in areas that need to be read and re-read.
However, we want copies and small deviations. Dont add an application that does the same thing over and over. Modulate that out or have it modify information at runtime instead of storing on the RAM stack."
Version controlling will be awesome! Quickly add features... quickly remove features. Version back with no configure issues when you want project recovery. Versioning seems a winner if you are choosing to do metaprogramming 👍