Copyright (C) 2019 Copernicus/EUMETSAT
License: MIT
The Copernicus Ocean Colour Database stores in-situ data collected on ocean ship cruises. The aim is to provide an environment that follows FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable).
The WebUI uses the following technologies:
- React
- Typescript
- nodejs
- yarn
- leaflet
To install a development version, you will need to install git, nodejs and yarn and execute the following steps that will install all dependencies and start a development server on port 3000:
git clone
cd ocdb-webui
yarn install
yarn start
For installing a production version we encourage you to use our docker container. The container exposes port 3000. It is up to you to map it to a different port.
docker run -p 3000:3000
We also provide a repository that allows to install the whole OCDB infrastructure including the backend server, Mongo DB, and this WebUI. Running all services will require docker as well as docker-compose to be installed on your system. The build process will copy the WEBUI static files into the server image. 'up -d' will start two containers: One mongodb database server and the backend server which serves the RESTful service as well as the WebUI site.
git clone
cd eocdb-services
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
The following example shows the running server on As you can see the server exposes port 4000 but is mapped to 443.
$ ./docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
ocdb-services_eocdb-db_1 mongod Up 27017/tcp
ocdb-services_eocdb-server_1 /bin/bash -c source activa ... Up (healthy)>4000/tcp