Roxie is based on a real world contribution that was developed by Manjunath Chinni, a developer at Rubrik, as part of our annual Hackathon. The spirit of this event is to push the boundaries of what currently exists and explore the realm of the possible. You may have seen Roxie featured in the Data Management Meets Artificial Intelligence video on YouTube.
Now you can construct a Roxie of your very own and explore the idea behind running a ChatBot that can interpret spoken or written words to determine intent. This project is all about learning how to construct API calls to Rubrik, build AWS Lambda functions, design an AWS Lex ChatBot, and put it all together.
Here are some resources to get you started! If you find any challenges from this project are not properly documented or are unclear, please raise an issue and let us know! This is a fun, safe environment - don't worry if you're a GitHub newbie! ❤️
There are a few services you'll need in order to get this project off the ground:
- AWS Lex - used to create a chat bot
- AWS Lambda - used to run functions (code) to answer chat bot questions
- Rubrik CDM 4.2+ - the platform that Roxie answers questions about
We glady welcome contributions from the community. From updating the documentation to adding more Intents for Roxie, all ideas are welcome. Thank you in advance for all of your issues, pull requests, and comments! ⭐
We encourage all contributors to become members. We aim to grow an active, healthy community of contributors, reviewers, and code owners. Learn more in our Welcome to the Rubrik Build Community page.
We'd love to hear from you! Email us: [email protected] 💌