Releases: ruanjue/wtdbg2
Releases · ruanjue/wtdbg2
1, improved base accuracy of consensus sequences
2, add to run all at once
3, fixed bugs in assembling huge genome
1, improved output efficency
2, -R to enable re-alignment, it works better on complicated genome
3, --kbm-parts to enable build kbm-index part by part to save RAM
4, fixed many BUGs in v2.3
There is an important update of wtdbg2, no limitation of data amount and read length. Also a new consensus module for short reads polishing was added, see wtpoa-cns -x sam-sr
1, fixed a big bug: node might shadow more than once on a read
2, add presets to be friendly for wtdbg2-beginer
3, add kmer distribution plot on stderr to adjust parameters
4, fixed bugs in pgzf
update runtime for C.elegans