Releases: rsksmart/liquidity-bridge-contract
Releases · rsksmart/liquidity-bridge-contract
What's Changed
- Feature/GBI-1961 - Update getProviders by @Luisfc68 in #232
- Feature/GBI-1911 - Update BtcUtils library version by @Luisfc68 in #233
- fix: update bridge interface by @Luisfc68 in #234
- Flyover 2.1 -> QA-Test by @Luisfc68 in #243
- chore: 1.3.0 dev deployment by @Luisfc68 in #246
- fix: pay gasFee on refundPegout by @Luisfc68 in #256
- Refund scripts by @Luisfc68 in #247
- chore: update solidity btc helper to v0.2.1 public version by @Luisfc68 in #268
- chore: add dev deployment info by @Luisfc68 in #271
- Pegout validation by @Luisfc68 in #275
- chore: add testnet deploy info by @Luisfc68 in #279
- chore: add mainnet deploy info by @Luisfc68 in #314
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.3.0
What's Changed
- Feature/GBI-1961 - Update getProviders by @Luisfc68 in #232
- Feature/GBI-1911 - Update BtcUtils library version by @Luisfc68 in #233
- fix: update bridge interface by @Luisfc68 in #234
- Flyover 2.1 -> QA-Test by @Luisfc68 in #243
- chore: 1.3.0 dev deployment by @Luisfc68 in #246
- fix: pay gasFee on refundPegout by @Luisfc68 in #256
- Refund scripts by @Luisfc68 in #247
- chore: update solidity btc helper to v0.2.1 public version by @Luisfc68 in #268
- chore: add dev deployment info by @Luisfc68 in #271
- Pegout validation by @Luisfc68 in #275
- Pegout fix sync by @Luisfc68 in #277
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.3.0-rc.1
What's Changed
- Updated Dependabot config
- Added Dependency Review action
- Replace action versions by commit hashes
- Added Scorecard
- Added Slither
- Added pre-commit
- Added contributing,security and license files
- Updated refundPegout to allow truncated values
New Contributors
- @bcodesido made their first contribution in #224
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1
What's Changed
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #219
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #226
- Feature/GBI-1961 - Update getProviders by @Luisfc68 in #232
- Feature/GBI-1911 - Update BtcUtils library version by @Luisfc68 in #233
- fix: update bridge interface by @Luisfc68 in #234
- Conflict fix by @Luisfc68 in #238
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #237
- chore: upgraded LBC in mainnet by @gsoares85 in #239
- chore: sync master changes by @Luisfc68 in #240
- [Sync] Stable-Test -> QA-Test by @Luisfc68 in #241
- Flyover 2.1 -> QA-Test by @Luisfc68 in #243
- chore: 1.3.0 dev deployment by @Luisfc68 in #246
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0-rc
What's Changed
- Stable test by @Luisfc68 in #153
- Qa test by @gsoares85 in #189
- Old deploy branch -> Stable Test by @Luisfc68 in #196
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #197
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #199
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #205
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #207
- Stable test by @Luisfc68 in #211
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #212
- Stable test sync by @Luisfc68 in #213
- Master sync by @Luisfc68 in #214
- Stable test sync by @Luisfc68 in #215
- Stable test by @Luisfc68 in #216
- chore: deploy to mainnet by @gsoares85 in #218
- Fixed LBC deploy by @gsoares85 in #221
- chore: remove build folder from .gitignore by @Luisfc68 in #222
- chore: install btc lib from public registry by @Luisfc68 in #225
- fix: remove initializeV2 function by @Luisfc68 in #228
- feat: add lp url update capability by @Luisfc68 in #229
- chore: lbc dev env deploy by @Luisfc68 in #223
- Bugfix/GBI-1873 - Merge withdraw collateral functions by @Luisfc68 in #230
- Security preparation by @Luisfc68 in #231
- chore: btc lib update by @Luisfc68 in #235
- chore: upgraded LBC by @gsoares85 in #236
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.2.0
What's Changed
- Stable test by @Luisfc68 in #153
- Qa test by @gsoares85 in #189
- Old deploy branch -> Stable Test by @Luisfc68 in #196
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #197
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #199
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #205
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #207
- Stable test by @Luisfc68 in #211
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #212
- Stable test sync by @Luisfc68 in #213
- Master sync by @Luisfc68 in #214
- Stable test sync by @Luisfc68 in #215
- Stable test by @Luisfc68 in #216
- chore: deploy to mainnet by @gsoares85 in #218
- Fixed LBC deploy by @gsoares85 in #221
- chore: remove build folder from .gitignore by @Luisfc68 in #222
- chore: install btc lib from public registry by @Luisfc68 in #225
- fix: remove initializeV2 function by @Luisfc68 in #228
- feat: add lp url update capability by @Luisfc68 in #229
- chore: lbc dev env deploy by @Luisfc68 in #223
- Bugfix/GBI-1873 - Merge withdraw collateral functions by @Luisfc68 in #230
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.2.0-rc
What's Changed
- RegisterPegOut functionality by @manfioLP in #47
- Feature/gbi 821 refund pegout by @gsoares85 in #48
- Fixed refund pegout by @gsoares85 in #49
- fix quotepegout struct params by @manfioLP in #50
- Fixed min pegin value by @gsoares85 in #53
- Feature/gbi 971 get registered providers by @gsoares85 in #57
- Fixed error on LBC contract by @gsoares85 in #61
- GBI-1002 - Implement the Upgradeability to LBC by @joaoiovlabs in #59
- Remove check that verifies if a quote has already been processed. by @nathanieliov in #41
- Bump got and solidity-coverage by @dependabot in #63
- Bump node-fetch and @truffle/hdwallet-provider by @dependabot in #68
- Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 by @dependabot in #69
- Bump shelljs from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 by @dependabot in #66
- Bump json-schema and jsprim by @dependabot in #65
- Bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 by @dependabot in #60
- Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.7 by @dependabot in #64
- Bump minimatch and recursive-readdir by @dependabot in #54
- Bump handlebars from 4.7.6 to 4.7.7 by @dependabot in #28
- Fixed package lock by @gsoares85 in #71
- Deploy Testnet contracts. by @joaoiovlabs in #72
- [GBI-744] Penalize missbehaving LP by @manfioLP in #51
- GBI-1004 - Remove SafeMath Lib by @joaoiovlabs in #73
- Remove import SafMath by @joaoiovlabs in #74
- Gbi 888 by @joaoiovlabs in #75
- Sync contract with liquidity provider server by @joaoiovlabs in #52
- Merge to Peg Out by @joaoiovlabs in #76
- Added new information to Liquidity provider by @gsoares85 in #78
- GBI-1112 by @Dominikkq in #81
- Removing one provider per address requirement (Resubmit) by @Dominikkq in #85
- GBI-1143 Owner and change providers status implementation by @Dominikkq in #86
- Qa test by @gsoares85 in #88
- GBI-1190 - Validate Register Parameters by @Dominikkq in #89
- Feature/gbi 1180 create upgreadable deploy script by @gsoares85 in #90
- Feature/gbi 1192 update pegout quote structure by @gsoares85 in #91
- Ignore openzeppelin folder by @Luisfc68 in #92
- GBI-1195 - Update register and refund pegout by @Luisfc68 in #93
- GBI-1098 by @Dominikkq in #94
- Feature/GBI-1201 - Collateral Changes and remove lbc transfers for pegout by @Luisfc68 in #95
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #97
- Feature/GBI-1205 - Collateral partition by @Luisfc68 in #96
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #99
- Add new pegout deposit method by @Luisfc68 in #100
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #101
- Added refund method by @gsoares85 in #102
- Qa test by @gsoares85 in #104
- GBI-1223 by @Dominikkq in #103
- Add new requires to refundUserPegout by @gsoares85 in #105
- Qa test by @gsoares85 in #106
- Feature/GBI-1250 - Update documentation by @Luisfc68 in #107
- Feature/GBI-1251 - LP limits validation by @Luisfc68 in #109
- Feature/GBI-1258 - Store quote in register pegout by @Luisfc68 in #110
- Qa test by @MaximStanciu8 in #111
- IndexParams by @Dominikkq in #112
- Qa test by @MaximStanciu8 in #113
- Change variable visibility by @Luisfc68 in #114
- reduce compiler runs by @Luisfc68 in #115
- remove call to the bridge by @Luisfc68 in #116
- save quote in deposit pegout instead of register pegout by @Luisfc68 in #117
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #118
- Fix vulnerabilities by @Luisfc68 in #119
- Fixed contract size by @gsoares85 in #121
- GBI-1277 - Removing acceptedQuoteExpiration by @Dominikkq in #122
- Feature/GBI-1278 - VULN-327 by @Luisfc68 in #123
- Security audit qa sync by @Luisfc68 in #125
- Removing-acceptedQuoteExpiration by @Dominikkq in #126
- VULN-328 - Redesign shouldPenalizePegoutLP by @Luisfc68 in #127
- Quotes library by @Luisfc68 in #128
- fix VULN-334 by @Luisfc68 in #129
- Removing leftover parameter by @Dominikkq in #130
- Check Status when returning getProviders by @Dominikkq in #131
- Create errorCodes.json by @Dominikkq in #132
- Feature/GBI-1279 -Btc raw tx parsing by @Luisfc68 in #133
- Feature/GBI-1279 - Updated tests by @Luisfc68 in #134
- Feature/security audit fix -> QA-Test by @Luisfc68 in #135
- Remove validation from set status by @Luisfc68 in #136
- Index PegoutDeposit by @Dominikkq in #137
- VULN-324 - Readme update by @Luisfc68 in #138
- Qa test Merge Into Stable-Test by @MaximStanciu8 in #139
- fixes on refundPegout by @Luisfc68 in #141
- Added no Reentrancy by @gsoares85 in #142
- Qa test by @gsoares85 in #144
- Feature/solidity linter by @gsoares85 in #145
- update btc utils to parse segwit transactions by @Luisfc68 in #146
- Security fixes v3 by @Luisfc68 in #147
- Feature/GBI-1285 - VULN-326 by @Luisfc68 in #148
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #149
- Fix compact size calculation by @Luisfc68 in #151
- Qa test by @Luisfc68 in #152
- Added require in LP register by @gsoares85 in #156
- Feature/gbi 1369 - Add deposit pegin address by @Luisfc68 in https://githu...
What's Changed
- Prevents Bridge Contract funds to be stolen by @aguschirico in #21
- Update readme.MD by @aguschirico in #23
- Safely handle underflow and overflow scenarios. by @aguschirico in #22
- Tests refactor + ci setup by @aguschirico in #24
- Provided a meaningful value for mocked Fed address by @Vovchyk in #26
- Removed deployment of mocks to non-test networks by @Vovchyk in #27
- Added check for EOA sender in register() method by @Vovchyk in #29
- Added check for minimum peg-in value by @Vovchyk in #30
- Fix min peg-in constant values by @Vovchyk in #31
- Fixed migration script and made size of uint type for collateral and minPegIn bigger by @Vovchyk in #33
New Contributors
- @aguschirico made their first contribution in #21
- @Vovchyk made their first contribution in #26
Full Changelog: v0.0.1-alpha...0.1.0